Genetic Genetic is a Firefight gametype that is focused completely on teamwork. In basic terms, Genetic is a Generator Defense type firefight with only a single generator, similar to Crashsite in the Firefight playlist, however, it has many differences. Spartans MUST work together to survive, as it will get intense in later rounds. This is made to be played on Heroic for full effect. SPARTANS Spartans have to act as a team, teamwork is a must. The game may start of easy, as patrols of grunts and jackals are sent, but after the Covenant realize the UNSC deployed Spartans to defend the generator, the Covenant will fight back with whatever they have. As a Spartan, your job is simple; Defend the ever-so-important generator. Easier said than done. The Covenant are numerous, and deal a heck of a lot of damage to you. Work with your team, and keep the generator alive. LOADOUTS: [Marksman] -DMR -Assault Rifle -Sprint -2x Frag A good loadout if you want to kill. Not really that great at defending the generator, but good at stopping the Covenant before they even reach it. [Stalker] -Assault Rifle -Magnum -Active Camo -3x Frag Use this in Versus rounds. The radar is the only tool Elite's have to help find you. Take it out, and you leave them with sight. [Medic] -Assault Rifle -Magnum -Drop Shield -2x Frag A support class, made for literal Generator Defense. Don't rush out there, expecting to spray all those shields down. [Spec Ops] -Grenade Launcher -Magnum -Hologram -2x Frag Fire it at groups of grunts and jackels, or EMP that stupid wraith that's bombing you. --- COVENANT Either your with Spartans, or against them. That's right, Genetic may be a co-op Firefight experience, but it DOES include full Versus support. Elites, although you may have unlimited lives, you'll only spawn on waves, so don't rush in as a suicide bomber. Just like defending, attacking will require communication and clever gameplay. If you've never played a 2v2 Single Generator Defense game, well, let me tell you, it gets intense. LOADOUTS: [Ranger] -Plasma Repeater -Plasma Pistol -Evade -2x Plasma An all-around attack class. Hint: The plasma pistol is a generator killer. [Zealot] -Needle Rifle -Needler -Evade -2x Plasma While you made not do much damage to the generator, you can help your buddy by getting his back. [Champion] -Concussion Rifle -Plasma Pistol -Evade -2x Plasma Another generator killer. --- [Competitive Loadouts] For those who are extremely competitive, there are some extra hidden loadouts that you can switch on and off to your liking in the gametype settings. There's one extra loadout for Spartan, which includes a Shotgun. There are 2 for Elites. One of them has an Energy Sword and Sprint, and the other one has Active Camo(No sword). Be warned, Elites get a major boost in firepower and tactics with the competitive loadouts in play. --- For those of you that hate reading, I made a trailer. You may not get exactly how this is different from any other Generator Defense gametype, but at least you'll get some fun action shots. --- Halo Reach Firefight: Genetic - YouTube
Looks very sweet, also the trailer was very epic, definitive download for me. Thanks god people still make Firefight Gametypes, do you plan on making more? Oh, and one question: Why are the Spartans that fast? EDIT: Could you also put the available Loadouts in your posts, or are they the standard ones?
Spartans are still at 100% speed, maybe they just seem fast in the trailer due to camera angles or Sprint. I may make more Firefight gametypes, since I really love the mode, but it's not really a priority for me. Loadouts have been added to the thread... (How could I leave those out before?)
I haven't played it yet, but is looks good. (The loudout Medic seems very powerful against stalker. maybe you can remove the assault rifle in medic. And i would recommend giving spec ops only 1 grenade.)
Hey, VMaikel, cool that you're still hanging around here. Are you planning on making any new Gametypes? Also, i do agree about the one grenade but i think Medic is okay. Also, maybe add a Shotgun Loadout.
Spec Ops has two grenades since I always feel as one is too little, especially when on heroic, those Elite shields will eat them up. In testing, I started giving Medic only a magnum, but nobody choose it since nobody really even looks at the Armor Ability, so I gave him a Shotgun instead, but then everyone chose him, so I figured to split the difference and make him a support class(Most people choose Marksman, anyway). Stalker is not that great of a class for Co-Op, but is a demon in Versus rounds.
Like i said before, Shotgun Loadout maybe? If you don't really know what would be goof for it then i have a idea: Shotgun Magnum Armor Lock 2 Grenades EDIT: You could also make a Recon/Scout Class which would be to get quickly to the Generator or Weapon Drops. He would have: Assault Rifle Magnum Sprint 4 Grenades I also think the Marksman is slightly overpowered, give him Evade and only one grenade(Also so you don't have 2 Classes with Sprint).
There's a Shotgun loadout for competitive play hidden in the gametype options, you can switch it on and off as much as you please. I took it out of Co-Op play since it made the Spartan's job a bit too easy. Durgin testing, I tried using a Scout loadout in Co-Op, however, everyone chose Marksman anyway. At the time, Marksman had a DMR and Magnum with Evade, and Scout had an Assault Rifle, Magnum, and Sprint. I took out the useless Scout loadout and merged it with Marksman, and the space is now the competitive Shotgun loadout. (Geez, I sure do write a lot of walls o' text)
But Scout should be intended only as a last resort(when everybody is at the respawning screen and the enmies are attacking the generator and you need to get their quick and throw some Grenades). And about the OP Shotgun Class, i don't really believe that's true, when i play Versus or Invasion i just use my Needle Rifle and try to stay out of close quarters, it's pretty easy.
It works with any number of players, but if it's just one Spartan, you might need to lower the difficulty to something like Normal. Even with two Spartans, Heroic is quite a challenge, and Legendary is way too much for even 4 Spartans.