
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Preacher001, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I see you have come from Bungie.net

    First off, stats don't matter. If you had the tiniest bit of knowledge about this game, you would have seen that. And I love how you used the generic, and old response in an attempt to avoid my real argument. Anyways, I'm reporting you for trolling. You should know the rules by your 10th post, IMO.

    Ignoring my feedback makes you no less ignorant than the fool above me. But if you want to leave your map in the mediocre state that it's in, fine by me. It only proves that your forging skills are very weak. I could come up with a map that plays better and looks better in no less than 10 minutes, and that's not even saying much. Even for a first map, this is a poor effort and you are already convincing me that you will never make a truly good map, or even an average one. If you want to continue ignoring real feedback, and instead prefer only to reply to the d-riders who praise the aesthetics of your map, which are quite honestly complete trash, then again, you will never become a better forger. That's all I have to say, and I doubt I'll post in this thread again unless you at least attempt to come up with post that isn't short but stupid. Trolls gonna troll. Goodbye.
    #21 4shot, Nov 9, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  2. SasoChicken

    SasoChicken Forerunner

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    Well to me, competitive in a Forge sense means maps that are for basic gametypes like Slayer, King of the Hill, etc., not for strictly MLG-type maps for people who do care about their stats. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what the MLG section is for isn't it?

    It's a little arrogant of you to presume that just by looking at some screenshots of a map, you know exactly that it's bad and isn't worth anything. You should not be berating someone for putting up a map that they thought was cool enough to show to some other people who would hopefully enjoy playing their map as much as they do.

    OP, I'd just ignore this guy, don't let him get you down. He's doing more "trolling" than he claims of everyone else just by putting up comments after not even playing you map. I'm downloading it to see if it's a nice map, and I think it will be. And as long as you enjoy it yourself, that's all that matters. Being a "better Forger" is not going to get you anywhere in life.
  3. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Don't worry Saso I find 4shot amusing. Especially when his fileshare is devoid of product.

    I wouldn't worry yourself about his little threat:

    When looking under Forum Rules, General Rules, Section 2 subsection 5 seems to leave us wondering where he feels the strength will be in his argument.

    Someone who has made over 600 posts should know the rules by now, IMO.

    Aaaanyway, It's nice to know I have supporters for this map.

    Play on!
    #23 Preacher001, Nov 10, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
  4. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    2 more mistakes from you. MLG players do not care about their stats. All that matters is the win.

    And it's entirely ignorant of you to assume that I am saying that I know everything just by looking at a few screenshots. You can get a general idea of what you're seeing, and judge whether or not you think the map is worth playing or not. I do not believe it is worth playing, because you can see in the screenshots that he already makes very basic errors.

    Again, you are being ignorant, as is the OP. And you're definitely being too optimistic about this map, something very typical of someone on ForgeHub. And that last comment made me facepalm. This is a Forge forum. You want to be a better forger, to have your maps play well. If you have a map like this, one which looks bad and has a bad layout, something which often causes it to play bad, then there's no point in downloading it. If you're not here to get better as a forger, nor do you care about downloads or any sort of feedback, then you have no point in being here. You and the OP would be better off leaving ForgeHub.

    How many ignorant posts are there going to be in this one topic? Ever think that maybe I don't take the time to forge, and instead play the maps made by other players in an attempt to improve theirs? You sir, are an idiot. I'm literally facepalming at your every word.

    Threat? I think the only one assuming things here is you. You're embarrassing yourself with these comments.

    I have not broken a single rule in this topic so far. I have given feedback, and you choose to ignore it. In turn, I am defending my feedback, and you have yet to prove any of my feedback wrong. You are not breaking any rules either, but the one above me has broken a few rules.

    I was criticizing your map, a form of support, yet you choose to ignore my feedback. Because you ignore any negative feedback, your worthless map will remain worthless and quickly become forgotten. I hope you realize this, but I highly doubt one as ignorant as yourself will even read my entire post.
    #24 4shot, Nov 10, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2011
  5. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    4shot your attitude has been checked since your first sentence in this post. No one will ever take you seriously regardless of how good the information with the appalling attitude you have. The fact that you believe you've been nothing but helpful is par for the course.

    I am not interested in your type of 'support'.

    Please move on.
  6. Doomreaper13

    Doomreaper13 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    this map looks sick. keep on forging man.
  7. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    well from the look i had on this map last night i really lke the asthetics and gameplay was not that good. mostly due to the lack of cover and the un nijable man "X2Sora" was nijad last night on that match lol
  8. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    lol. Ya, cover implies more of a mid to long range game. This map is a micromap so there isn't even much of a mid range. It's sneak attacks and agility. When a guy doesn't get much more than 10 feet from you most of the time you can't really try to pick him off from behind cover. That being said, I needler the hell out of people from any longer corridor. Hell, I've even got a nice kill streak with the needle rifle but it isn't the best weapon for this map. It's just in there for a little variety.

    #28 Preacher001, Nov 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2011
  9. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Its not that the gameplay was completely bad, but there were some problems within the map that should be addressed. First off the few dead ends you have on this map are really hurting gameplay. Several times through, halo and me would walk into a dead, specifically the one you drop down from, and have no other option but wait to be naded to death. The other dead end you have is fine as it is a contributing factor to the RvR for the shotgun. Another problem is the location of the drop down you made with the tunnel short(long?). The area where it is located is cramped as is, but with the drop down being there it can get really cramped and many times both me and halo would accidentally fall down. I would either move the drop down back or expand the hallway.

    The top floor was fairly disconnected from the rest of the map for the most part. You had to walk up the incline and then jump just to access it. I highly recommend you add more ways to get up there. I must also mention that there were about four bad spawns that occurred during our match. Most of them occurring near shotgun spawn. In the aesthetic department you have definitely captured the blue eerie feel. So great job on that. Overall though the map isn't as bad as it sounds, I think it just needs a few improvement here and there. Oh and halo you will NEVER ninja me again ;)
    #29 X2Sora, Nov 12, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2011
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Moved to Casual maps.
  11. Grenade

    Grenade Forerunner

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    The Aesthetics look incredible, what FX combo did you use on it? Because it looks amazing.
  12. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Not actually an FX combo, merely using Juicy and craming the map into a shadow then built using map pieces that are primarily darker in nature. If you're really curious just pop into forge and rip out a wall. That's my goto move.

    Edited by merge:

    @X2Sora Sorry for the late reply, didn't notice the post.

    By dead ends do you mean the drop downs and shotgun room or are there others?

    I've never personally found much trouble with this spot but one of my friends said he falls down sometimes. I would also like it if the drop was just a little further back but when I tried I didn't like the added width to the hallway. It's intentionally tight. Not to sure where to go from there.

    This is another one of those things I've considered but in the end have decided to leave. I'm not sure if it's out of lazyness, confusion on implementation or that I may have pushed the map too close to the wall to allow myself any room to build. Either way I found that it was quite simple to get onto the center platform from multiple locations so I left it.

    I should mention that at one point I had an idea to make a hallway/walkway that connected from the top of each drop down area and went around the back of the map and connected to the upper center level from there. There was also an idea to tunnel the bottom of both drop downs around back and connect there.

    I would love to know specifically what spawn points you found bad and what exactly happened. It was a real pain to find decent spawn points with this map being so tiny but I thought I had rooted out all of the notoriously bad ones.

    Thanks for the info and compliments. Sorry you got Ninja'd. We'll let the map take the blame - - This time.
    #32 Preacher001, Nov 13, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
  13. SasoChicken

    SasoChicken Forerunner

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    Played with a friend last weekend and here's my thoughts:

    - Looked great, although I'd suggest forcing all players to be white, red, orange, or another visible color because when my friend and I were both black and grey it took a while to find one another

    - Good gameplay, contrary to a certain someone's inexperienced opinion. I think though because of the size this is best as a 1 on 1 map or at most a 2 on 2, anything bigger and it would be mayhem.

    - It sort of took a while to find some of the weapons like the shotgun and spiker, just sayin...

    - The whole layout was nice and (for the record, again contrary to what a certain someone said) the floor was incredibly smooth with no bumps at all, and the plasma batteries under the glass floor were a great visual flair, sort of reminded me of how the old Bungie would make stuff underneath the floor that would have glowing parts or would span off into infinity.
  14. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Hey Saso did you play split screen or one to a screen? In split screen Bungie turns most of the lighting off which tends to make it harder to see on smaller screens. I have a 100" screen so it doesn't really affect me in split screen :)

    That's why I set the suggested size to 2-3 players :)

    The fact that it took you a while to find the Spiker makes me think you must have been split screen since it shuts out the light above the Spiker. The shotgun may have been because it doesn't initially spawn for something like 90 seconds. The one I always forget about because it pretty much blends into the background is the grenade launcher. (top floor at the pillar)

    Actually it goes back further than that.

    I've had far more elaborate versions of that same idea but I never seem to get a chance to put them in. I've also got a really cool floor effect but haven't built a map to properly use it yet. Even had a fun zip line like idea that I haven't been able to build a map for.

    This is the first map I've been able to complete in ages. I have an endless supply of started ideas that never even made it to the halfway point. There's another map I completed that I find alot of fun but frame rate issues in split screen have stopped me from posting.

    LOL, this post is alot of disjointed thoughts roughly put together. Much like my mind.
    #34 Preacher001, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  15. SasoChicken

    SasoChicken Forerunner

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    No I was on full-screen, and although I don't really know how big my TV is, I'd say it's roughly the size of 1 and 1/2 XBoxes (not the slims) horizontally and a little more than 1 XBox vertically. Maybe I'm just unobservant.
  16. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Yikes. That's not a tv man, that's a monitor. I think I may know why you didn't see the weapons :)

    Grab a slab of Melamine, a cheap hd projector and enjoy a life size master chief. Heck 3d projectors start at $500 these days. Though you may actually have to buy a real screen to properly enjoy the 3d.

    Oh I wish I had a 3d projector so that I could enjoy the full benefit of Halo Anniversary Edition.

    Guess I'll just have to settle for playing it on an 9 foot screen :)

    PS. Pong gives me neck cramps
    #36 Preacher001, Nov 15, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
  17. SasoChicken

    SasoChicken Forerunner

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    Ok maybe that wasn't as accurate as it could be. If I were to take a guess, I'll say it's about 26'' corner to corner.

    And I don't have $500 to drop.
  18. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    lol, no doubt. Trust me though, save your pennies, I did and I can tell you it's totally worth it. Matter of fact so worth it that all my buddies now sport the setup. Course they did it almost overnight, the bastards. Sure steal the poor adventurous guy's idea. :)

    First games I tried were Pong and Super Mario Bros. lol, I just couldn't help but find a simple amusement playing such retro games wall sized. Halo made me a believer.
    #38 Preacher001, Nov 15, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
  19. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Please for the love of god stop using 4x4s. Stop using 5x5s. They are laggy as hell and strip a map of all originality. Seriously? This map has no potential?

    Forgehub members please, these posts become more and more obnoxious as time goes on. If you're going to criticize a map, be polite and helpful. If you can't manage these two things just shut up. N one cares what you say when you're rude.

    Now onto the map, while I still believe that this maps flow is hurt by the flow of the bottom and third floors. Its clear you tested this map enough with both versions to conclude which you were more happy with. I applaud you for trying to be original in every map you make and following your own artistic visions. Keep on forging I look forward to your next creation.

  20. SasoChicken

    SasoChicken Forerunner

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    Hypocritical poster is hypocritical

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