Hello everyone, This is my latest map that i've posted on forgehub to date. this map is very fun and very addicting. The way you play is try to survive in a room with vents infested with zombies for 1 minute and 25 seconds, after that, walk into the man cannon, and teleport to a beach. then survive there for the rest of the game. Here are some pictures of the map: this is the vent where the zombies spawn: This is the room where the humans spawn: Run to the man cannon! Teleport to the beach! Here is an overview of the beach! Here is a video of the beach! reach24240115 0 - YouTube The beach has lots of cool places that aren't good for camping but it is fun to hold out the places with your team, like this: reach map camping place - YouTube Have fun!!! Edit* you can walk in the water...
The amount of human camping spots you built in shows how little you thought of this from the Zombie's perspective. The inability to kill any humans due to mass imbalance will cause Rage Quits and little downloads. The zombie players will have no fun here.
What fun would it be if there were no camping places? also if the humans camp on the rock in the middle of the water the zombies can walk under the water, making it hard to see them. Also, most of the camping spots in the room have vents put in really close to them allowing the zombie to jump in from above.
It is not a mini game because there is not a new gametype. Since this is a regular infection map, shouldn't this be placed in casual? Well anyways, right away, you can notice that this map has a huge lack of aesthetics. This map also has camping spots, which basically ruins the game for the zombies. To reinforce this, you made a separate video showing all the camping spots in just the beach alone. Also that camping spot is impossible to be reached by the zombies. I hear RAGE QUIT in the near future. Now I'm also positive tons of people will camp behind the teleporter in the beach. this map isn't very impressive, and again doesn't seem really creative. I'm no trying to be a douche nugget, but this map has some major things you need to focus on.
Actually, the video shows 1 camping spot and it is easier to get there if you are a zombie because zombies jump higher than humans. Also this is meant for regular infection, which means the zombies have evade, so they can get places faster, also when you go into the teleporter you are high off the ground going really fast because of the man cannon, so you come out the other side, high off of the ground and going really fast, making it hard to camp behind. [br][/br]Edited by merge: All of the camping places are easily accesible, the ones on the rocks are very easy for zombies to get to, all the have to do is jump onto a couple ledges to get to most camping places, where as the humans have to climb up nearly every ledge to get to one. Also, in the room where the zombies spawn in the vents, they can fall down from the ceiling at almost any part of the room. Also if you play normal infection the zombies have evade and can kill the humans very easily.
This should be under casual, also, as with your other maps that I've seen, you seem to be obsessed with camping. Let me say this right now so you understand: NO ONE likes a map built so that it's easy to camp. Also "what fun would it be without camping?" A lot more fun, you should try it sometime.
how do I put the map under casual? Also I find it more fun to camp in infection but I do find it annoying when the place where the human is camping has only one entrance, like the red tunnel in sword base. That's why I try to even it out in my maps by putting lots of different entrances to my camping places (such as multiple vents in the ceiling). Also it's hard to camp on the rock in the middle of the water, because the zombies can go underwater, so the humans can't see them.
Maybe you should try to express "camping" in other words, because according to what you say there you don't really seem to like camping at all. By the way you speak of it to me it seems more like "hold out places". The difference between camping and holding out is pretty much the degree of teamwork. Camping: No teamwork is necessary Holding out: A LOT of teamwork is necessary If you don't cooperate a lot in a good holdout spot you will easily be consumed by the zombies, but if you work together it should be possible to withstand the undead for a decent while. In a "good" camping spot all you have to do is to stay awake and pay some attention to save your butt from the brain consumers. Another difference might be that a holdout place is more difficult to discern because of the fact that it usually has multiple entrances and the line of sight is very wide making it difficult to notice approaching zombies, while the end of a hallway or a higher level with a great overview is mostly considered a camping spot. (Like the tunnel in Swordbase, indeed) Nobody likes camping unless they're the guy who's camping, where on the other hand working together to survive is highly appreciated by almost everyone playing custom games, by both humans and zombies. So I'd highly recommend putting more hold out spots and less camping spots into your maps. A good tip: look up for "Insanmiac" on YouTube (or just search for his threads on ForgeHub). He makes balanced infection maps with excellent results every single time. Finally, always make sure to test your map before publicing (or let it be tested). I used to make the mistake of not testing maps myself, eager as I was to show my newest creations to the world, but testing helps a lot to improve your map the best you can before posting it, making it more enjoyable for the people who download it and by that instantly increasing its popularity among the community. (Excuse me if you do test your maps, in that case I didn't say a word ;P) And about putting the map under Casual, I suggest you PM one of the admins or moderators, they'll probably know a way.
yes, thank you that is exactly what i'm trying to say, its not camping, its really hard to keep those positions unless you use teamwork, thank you!