So with Halo Anniversary just around the corner the question remains. Which map are you looking forward to. Are you looking for the purple damnation remake or is the open Ridgeline more your style. Do you like the reincarnation of Prisoner: Solitary or does the Halo 2 remake Break Neck have your fancy. Please post which map you are looking the most forward to and why here. :happy:
High Noon cause there is a strong possibility of a brand new forge space. Why else would they show forging on the trailer? It makes me excited cause they were probably well aware of the framerate problems Forge World has so they thought they'd set out to make a new forge space that doesn't have these issues. At least that's what I think.
Breakneck. It was just perfect for BTB back in Halo 2. Perfect theme, perfect layout, perfect everything.
Definitely Ridgeline because i heard there would be forgeable trees on it. But my favorite for the gameplay is High Noon. BTW: when i post threads like this they get locked but I think some of the moderators treat some differently.
ridgline looks awesome. hand em high was always a personal favourite of mine. But to be honest i cant wait for any of them, its gonna be so nice to have a load of new maps to play on.
I have to say that I am looking forward to Breakneck myself. If forging goes well with the map then it could make a great infection map.
I used the "I love them all" option, because I adored each one of these maps. Timberland is my favourite btb map of all time.
My order is: Breakneck Ridgeline High Noon Penance Solitary Battle Canyon Headlong is my all time favorite Halo map, and along with Ridgeline, should make BTB in reach much more fun. I loved Tombstone in Halo 2, and combined with new forge possibilities, High Noon is rather exciting for me.
Looking forward to all of them. Breakneck and Ridgeline could potentially return us to the truly competitive style that BTB used to have. Definitely gonna have a lot of fun playing some nostalgic infantry-only 6v6 on this map, something I commonly enjoyed doing in the Halo 2 days. I'm especially looking forward to seeing a true Timberland remake on the console for the very first time. We did get Containment, a map that was in my opinion a bit better than Timberland but unique in its own way, but inspirations don't count. Prisoner was always fun on 1v1 and 2v2, so hopefully MLG decides to add back 1v1 and the less requested 2v2 and we can return to those great days. Beaver Creek is just good for everything. The only gametype I'm not a huge fan of there is Oddball, and that's only because it doesn't play as well as other gametypes. It still plays pretty well. Damnation is going to be the third great asymmetrical map (After MLG Boardwalk and MLG Powerhouse by aPK) that isn't a forge map, as well as the first one that I believe will play well without being modified to MLG settings. However, I do believe it will benefit competitively by converting to an MLG map, as all maps do. The map I'm least looking forward to is High Noon. I was one of the few who absolutely hated that map back in CE. That hasn't changed. Spawns suck, the map is too open, and bad players are often rewarded in 1v1 battles, since luck was always such a huge factor in long-range battles.
I heard the same. I just hope that they mean "you can forge on it just like you can on Forge World" instead of "you can forge on these maps just like you could on Countdown." I say Countdown because it doesn't have too much of an object choice and it's extremely difficult to make the map play much different than it will in the default version.
Yes (Except Installation 04), but most of the maps have a very limited amount of Forge objects similar to most Reach maps. Ridgeline (Timberland) is supposed to have a broader range of objects and some speculate High Noon may also have a good amount of varying objects.
They almost definitely mean that (ie. being able to 'forge' to the extent of it having some objects and loading up in Forge). They've touted that for a while now, Bungie said the same thing since H3 iirc. A new forgespace on HeH, one which hopefully isn't plagued by framerate issues, would leave me more than happy tbh.
Actually You can forge blocks on 4 or 5 of the maps. Look up Neverendinghalo4 on Edit: and for now I'm using all the original name, except Hang Em' High, because I like the original names.
Hey, didn't 343 steal the High Noon name from Decadence Night? He had his remake in the classic playlist for a pretty long time.