Pressure Lock

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Der Flatulator6, Nov 7, 2011.

  1. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    Pressure Lock
    When there is no escape...
    ~ Anchor 9 Infection Variant ~
    ~ Variant designed and developed by Der Flatulator6 ~
    ~ Special thanks to MrGreenWithAGun ~

    Pressure lock is a map designed and developed for the Living Dead playlist in Halo: Reach. From tests, it played best with Alpha Zombies, but also caters for regular Infection, and Safe Havens.
    The map is fast paced, with no camping spots that are of any use. There are several defensible positions scattered around the map, as there should be, but none of these are exploitable.

    [sup]Map Center[/sup]

    [sup]Your mission begins here[/sup]

    This map includes the [highlight]Next Gen[/highlight] and [highlight]Juicy FX[/highlight] to provide rich and dark atmosphere around the map. There are many dark areas (not pitch black, by any means, but darker than what would be acceptable in an ordinary playlist), this is by design.

    The map is very accessible for the zombies, with ramps and lifts added to all positions of advantage for the humans.
    Lines of sight have been blocked in an attempt to remove most magnum sniping.

    [sup]Peering int to where they lie[/sup]

    [sup]Inside the zombie spawn area[/sup]

    The map has a great atmosphere to play on. As a zombie, you use the light of your energy sword to light the path to your prey, as a human you spend your life trying to find a place to hold out, to little prevail.


    [sup]And he thought he was safe...[/sup]

    The large shield doors are of "Large Shield Door 1" variety, meaning you cannot travel through them. The space sector of the map is inaccessible, as is the top structure in the direct center of the map.

    [sup]Locked in[/sup]

    [sup]With no escape[/sup]

    There is one set of (two way) teleporters where the base-side exits to space are. This promotes map flow, and reduces heavily the camp-ability of the platforms the lie on. the shield doors near them remove the possibility of magnum camping the teleporter from a safe distance.

    [sup](Mouse-over for more)[/sup]

    The central tunnel, and most of the central column of the map are blocked, to prevent camping.

    [sup](Mouse-over for more)[/sup]

    Defensible Positions
    There are several positions around the map that could be defined defensible. Here are some of them:
    On mouse-over, the red lines demonstrate the common routes for the zombies attack.

    This position really is a false sense of security, with no cover, it is almost impossible to hold this position from all three sides.

    I think the red arrows alone demonstrate how safe this area really is...
    If you are confused about the routes from the right, they represent this.

    Hiding in corners is always an option, but with angry zombies, you can only last so long...

    Bottom center of the map. A defensible position, but how long you survive is dependent on your skill.


    #1 Der Flatulator6, Nov 7, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
  2. spy penguin

    spy penguin Forerunner

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    this map looks awsome i can't think of anything that should be changed it's perfect i have got to download this and try it out it looks great the top middle area was allways a problem in infection games so i'm glad you removed it and its not on forgeworld! 12/10 i'm not joking can't wait to play it. make sure you make more great maps that are not on forgeworld if this was in matchmaking i would play it over anything even alpha zombies on pinaccle (if it was still in matchmaking).
  3. PractiseCactus

    PractiseCactus Forerunner

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    spy penguin, you're commending him on his efforts to remove camping spots in a map and you say Pinnacle was your favourite infection map?
    Anyways, I do agree with Spy Penguin to some extent, your efforts to remove all camping spots are good. However, before I give this a dl, that last image with the high ground...that looks highly advantageous...humans could quite easily magnum camp there, couldn't they? Also on that last image, those walls that you've placed on an angle on the side of the structure...can you get underneath those? If so, how advantageous are they?
  4. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    The area under the walls is not great enough to accommodate a spartan, as for the top, it is really hard to hold, really hard.
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Even if this is for living dead, it should be in the casual section since living dead is casual.

    The map itsel looks basic, so I'm sure this'll be in matchmaking. The FX are a nice touch.
  6. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I really like it however you mainly removed parts of the map. I would like it if you could add some more. Also, completely no camping spots(or at least tactical camping spots) can overpower the zombies. Anyway, still love it and it makes me think of the Maps you had in Halo 3 where some Scenery and other stuff added unlike in Reach where you just play on the standard Map. Oh, almost forgot, maybe add some explosives which Zombies can use for kamikaze attacks and Humans to well, blow zombies up.
  7. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Moved to Casual.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
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    This is a great Idea, I admire the creepy atmosphere given off by the FX, though I'd like to see more use of walls, baricades, and lifts.
  9. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    We aren't given much to work with on Anchor 9. The budget is huge, but the scenery items are limited, and the wall is the only real tool we have.

    Not an issue.

    I've used all the walls as efficiently as I could, there are no barricades, and I'm happy with the amount of lifts, however if the corners of the map furthest from the space section end up too campy, I'll add lifts from the center there, too.
  10. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    You just skip me like that? :( I'm not very happy right now. Anyways, i'm not sure if to download it cause i think that maybe Zombies could be the ones overpowering the Humans.
  11. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    As I said before, there are some spots on this map that are so dark I cannot see the wall until I am right up against it with my sword. I think that is a negative, but I hope this gets into MM just for the creepy FX. I also hope that MM Living Dead would include a specialized game type to make the gravity more outer space feeling some how. I know on my DeepScream9 map I had a game type custom just for that effect (and to allow the turret to spawn).
  12. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    I doubt they'll want explosives in MM, and you don't have to download it if you don't want to! FYI, in playtest, we have a survivor maybe once or twice per game.

    It isn't really that dark, you must have a dark screen. Or mine is brighter than yours...

    As for specialized game types, I really cant see that happening. They didn't do it for Slayer (for example Chirs Carney said they weren't going to allow Jet packs on The Cage).
    #12 Der Flatulator6, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  13. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I really like how you limited the map space. It kind of gets the player into the clastrophobic feel during the game.

    "In space no one can hear you scream."
  14. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    lol, I believe MrGreenWithAGun's map, DeepScream9 (Which is now in Matchmaking), had that tagline, and I didn't want to steal it. Despite it's awesomeness.

    Claustrophobia was definitely intentional. The map makes the humans feel vulnerable, even whilst in defensible positions, which is one of the many reasons it's balanced.

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