Mortal Coil

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by DavidJCobb, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Mortal Coil 1.0.4
    This power station was abandoned when the dead first started to walk.


    Yeah, we got the cities back, but remote and rural areas like those are still crawling with the infected. Our population centers are so heavily fortified that the dead can't get within a few miles of us, but they own everything outside of that range. The infected own this ball of dirt. Makes it real difficult to scavenge for supplies or travel between cities.

    Damn shame, too, since most of the best supplies and resources are way outside the city limits. Mines, power stations, farmland, what have you. It's all crawling with the infected now, and so many of 'em that even trying to scout these places out is usually suicide. Doesn't stop anyone from trying, though. If you can actually manage to drag anything out of those abandoned hellholes, you can sell it for a pretty high price.


    On occasion, we tried sending teams to some of these spots, to exterminate the dead. You know how these things go, though -- the more people we throw at the infected, the more infected we end up having to deal with. Too many places for the infected to hide or lie in wait. Too many places to check all at once, and the ones whose brains haven't fully decayed off are surprisingly sneaky at times. So all we can really do in the end is hole up in our city walls -- y'know, play defense and all that.


    What I'm trying to say, man, is you shouldn't be going out there. The militia's been sending squads of thirty, forty men out there and none of 'em come back. Your little group of nine doesn't have a chance in Hell. But who am I to stop you? Just make sure you and your buddies each save a bullet.


    Version 1.0.4. Play with Alpha Zombies.
    #1 DavidJCobb, Oct 28, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
  2. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
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    Seeing this map come as far as it has makes my eyes cut onions. I'm glad the amount of Testing you've put into this has paid off man. Good stuff. I always had a blast playing this one, as well as your last one. Between this and The Factory, your infection record is perfect!
  3. WorldWarWhat

    WorldWarWhat Forerunner

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    Ya know, I'm definitely not one to read through a maps backstory and like it but this one is an exception. Plus the images seemed to match up really well with it.
  4. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
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    I just got your M2AF and assumed I would find it on FH...

    Anyways, this map is very well executed in general. You've got all the gameplay and such sorted out really well, as I remember playtesting this multiple times. Looking in forge now, I see all the troublesome spots I remember have been fixed.

    What really stands out to me is the aesthetic design, however. When I first saw it, I thought it was a tribal village of sorts. After being informed of what it was, I was genuinely impressed. The use of Brace Larges is truly unique, coupled with the excellent use of the trees and terrain of FW in the background.

    Great job.
  5. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    The thumbnail reminded me of a lonely companion cube, but this looks... interesting. The sky walk is unique, although it looks a little low. Pictures can only show so much, but this looks really small.
  6. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Many thanks for the compliments, guys. :) I'll see if I can get you all some better images to look at, that show the scale of the map better.
  7. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    lol cheezy description, but its always a must for zombie's! Great job on the map, i always enjoyed playing it, even as the infected. Hope to see this on mm soon. Keep those infection maps cooking!

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is a really solid map! I really like the use of Pillars and braces, it gives the map a strange, unique feeling of isolation and abandonment.
  9. LordDonny

    LordDonny Forerunner

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    Love it, the circular building is done so well.

    Nice story as well, had to read the whole thing :D

    Cant wait to try it out.
  10. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    So its finally released! Congrats on an awesome map, I'm still yet to play it, but just running around the map in earlier stages was an awesome experience.
    Good job, Cobb.
  11. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the compliments and I'm glad you guys like the map! I'm currently testing a balance update that I'll hopefully be able to release relatively soon, so check this thread every once in a while so you don't miss it. :)
    #11 DavidJCobb, Nov 7, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2011

    HI IM CAPS LOCK Forerunner

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    You finally finished? Haha, great! I loved playtesting this map, and I recommend that everyone go download it. I take it you fixed that ledge that everyone used to camp on? And I agree with Shawn (Zip) that the aesthetics are very well done and original, all around great map :D
  13. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Eh, almost. I've nearly finished a balance update that will make the ledge infinitely more tolerable, but I haven't been able to test it as often as I'd like. I'm starting to just want to release it anyway just so that people get an update before this thread dies, even if not an optimal update...

    Think I should release the update prematurely?

    EDIT: Update released. Editing instead of posting, as I don't want to knock newer maps off the front page. Unless serious issues arise, this will likely be the map's first and last post-release update.
    #13 DavidJCobb, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011
  14. Grenade

    Grenade Forerunner

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    Good use of the one-way shield door on the fix. When playing this, I recall a major issue with gameplay gravitating to the ledge behind the large "Skyway" structure.

    I haven't had the pleasure of playing the updated version, but on the last versions, excluding the ledge, gameplay has been fun for both sides in nearly all cases. The aesthetic theme of an abandoned power station is captured perfectly without hindering the framerate in any way, which is an achievement in itself. Great work, the amount of effort put into this really shows. It seems to be a good candidate for MM infection if 343 is serious about putting community maps in.
  15. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The compliments are much appreciated. I never expected that MC would get as much love as it has; it is nice to know that I've built something people enjoy. :)

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