The Underground Overview of Map The under ground is a map made specifically for infection and safe haven. It is built where the cave/tunnel connects Hemorrhage and Paradiso. So to get started the humans spawn in the room, triple in the back of the map. The infected or zombies spawn on the platform of 4x4 tall blocks and pyramid in the front of the map. I tried to make "camping spots" that were not over powered, such as The Cage. The camping spots I am talking about are the bridges where people would pull out their pistol and snipe. For that reason I tried to make cover for the zombies, such as the shield door in the middle of the map. The only major spot I see people 'camping' is the upstairs of the room triple. There are also 2 mongooses on this map. I thought I'd make the game fun by adding vehicles, hope you like the idea. There are also 3 health stations scattered around the map. Thanks for viewing, any questions or suggestions are welcome! Overview of Gametype The game type is Alpha zombies i did not change anything except for adding 1x frag grenade and the ability to ride/drive vehicles. Pictures front of map (infected spawn) looking to back of map (human spawn) bottom floor of room triple (human spawn) middle of map looking at zombie spawn middle of map looking to right side of map another view the ramps or inclines lead up to the second floor of the room, triple view looking at room, triple...the bridge is one of the 'camping spots' it does not lead to anywhere upstairs view of room, triple 'camping spot' (there is also the other get over there the is a railing long connecting the two sides) view of middle of the map
overall looks like an intreasting map has a lot of nice little spots that you can camp in that might be a problem a tip every spot has two or more ways in and out but still looks nice i'll download and have a look at it later cause i'm banned till wednesday i'm so evil but i will try it out just hope others will too nice map and keep forging
Have you tested this map? Because my major concern is framerate; you have objects like XL Bridges, Large bridge ramps (or whatever they're called), shield doors and there's a light in there as well, and that's just one screenshot. It does look good, but I'd like to know this before giving it a dl.
I have tested it but after I put it up on forge hub...I'm not a frame rate expert but when i tested it i did not seem to have any problems. The actual main camping spot i found was the middle of the map bridge diagonal next to the glass cover and ramp leading into the upstairs of the room, triple. Thanks for the feedback.