hello most of you probly know my name as crazyman2244 but i got my name changed that doesnt matter right now because i bring you guys AZUL now ive been working on Azul for about a month with lots of testing comes lots of changes so time for more pics Rocket launcher spawn Red team spawn Blue Team Spawn Shot gun spawn same on other side of map new pic: and preventing campers in the middle with struts so until next time BYE!
The only major issue i have with this so far is the curved rock edge. I would suggest that you possibly attempt to make it a smooth edge rather than a coordinate locked jagged one.
@sinlessledgend i know it has changed alot, i was forging all yesterday to get it done. @sgt suchin i will work on that later but how does it look?
Map looks great it certainly has improved from the last time I saw it. We should make a custom game lobby this weekend as I have a ton of testing to do myself, and maybe I can get around to posting Clover .
The map looks really nice and seems to hold up to some cool gameplay. The only concern I have is the fact that both Red and Blue team don't seem to have a base to defend a flag in. Otherwise, I hope to get my internet up and running sometime in the future to play this map with some friends
@ X2Sora that can be arranged @ Dizzyman572 actually the player will spawn on different part of the map for CTF and Assalut but get that internet up so this can get some good testing. [br][/br]Edited by merge: new pic:
Hahaha, I remember helping you on this map. Remember me? His Soda? I see you added a rooftop. I helped you with the spawn. Anyway, looking forward to this.
yeah i got rid of that and there is a secret thread coming with me and a couple of friends with a buttload of maps so be prepared...
This looks really creative, but I would like to see you add more color to it. The coliseum walls really make the atmosphere of the map seem bland and boring. The layout looks good, but just try to add some more color. Keep up the good forging.
You are right but this the older version of the map if you add me on xbox I can show you the newer version but it has tons more color. I made alot of changes after me and some friends talked about it and think that when we release our maps theyll be the best they possibly can. This map is gonna be just awesome.