Let me guess, the whole time she was doing it you were thinking to yourself "what the **** is she doing? I'm gonna say something when she's finished," then when she was done and asked how it looked you said "looks great, thanks" and walked away. Am I right? I'm right, aren't I?
I figured there's no point in telling her to stop when the back of your head is completely not hairy.
working everyday of the week, opening and closing, because people want off work to do stupid ****. of course im to nice and agree to do it when i had plans...
That's the thing, though, you don't turn down doing any overtime, and do it every time they ask and never complain (to them, anyway), but when you want time off work they tell you they can't let you because you're needed at work for whatever reason. What they're really saying is, "we can walk all over you and you'll eat it up, so we can treat you like a piece of **** because we think we're better than you." I work for assholes like this too, but it's someone else they treat like a piece of **** even though he's been working at this place for over 10 years. It pisses me off when people let a little power go straight to their head and think they can do whatever they want. My supervisor tries to do the same thing to me, but I have told him on several occasions to go **** himself. Hasn't tried in a while, maybe he's realised I'm not a doormat. :\
I'm about to be carted off across the country for the next 3 days to go to a Funeral of an incredibly distant relative of mine, who was so insanely religious it's scary. Frustration? That part of the family hate me, because I'm an atheist. I never knew this woman who died, and it's going to take up the rest of my Mid-Term, which were my last days of freedom up until christmas, because of the ****ing insane work load I'll have once I return to school on monday. So I have to go and take a 4 hour car journey there, sit awkwardly among a bunch of depressed people who hate me for 2 days, and then take that same journey home the day before I return to school. ****.
I'm just pissed I can't buy all the new games coming out, but hey you guys have more pressing issues. Time for one or more of you to find a different hair dresser. Time for one of you to study math. Time for one of you to take school work to a funeral. Time for me to get outta here.
What do you mean "time for me to get outta here"? And I feel your pain bro, us daddy's gotta stick together! Lol Nah but I wish I could get BF3, hopefully for Christmas.
You'd feel the same as me if you didnt study it for 2 years and then they drop all the stuff I missed out on, on me like a ton of bricks, its CALCULUS For ****s Sake!!!!!!! Only rocket scientists like calculus and I want to be a fking games programmer and sit around eating pizza all day, not some nerd in a white coat staring at complex equations that most of us would rather eat our own poop than solve whilst telling the rest of the world: "This is easy". I think I've been watching too much Zero Punctuation....
Game Programming sucks, I almost went into that field by mistake. Game Programming = **** tons of math, Game Design = **** tons of imagination. Game Design > Game Programming.
I hate punch that isn't actually punch but tastes like punch and appears in the form of punch causing me to drink the nonpunch that isn't punch.