A revamp of the old Arca which I believe was never posted on these forums. Old version by Levvi: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=24717743&player=hulter37 New updated version: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=24703874&player=hulter37 It's all just an aesthetic rehaul of the old Arca forged by Levvi really early on in reach. It used to look like this.
Wow, awesome. It's an improvement over the last which was one of my favorites as it was. Looks awesome. If I played still, I'd certainly get games on it. Wasn't it levi that did the first? Did you just decide to update it?
Yeah. I think you missed this. "It's all just an aesthetic rehaul of the old Arca forged by Levvi really early on in reach." Don't worry, though. It would slip past me too if the I was the one reading. Both NeXn and Levvi were aware of it, but technically, yeah, I just suddenly decided to redo it. I'm currently working on improving the aesthetics a bit, trying to break up the monotony in the big lift room, and change the awkward looking incline thing over the doorway. American... cHostough, chough! Also, "crushing" is a huge exaggeration.
It's cool, chum. The design is really good, and the old one was one of my favourites too. I always thought it was a shame it was so ugly. I hope no one thinks I'm trying tp put Levvi and his version to shame or anything. He's a pal, and it's not his fault it's ugly. It was just made before all the different forging tricks and objects had been discovered. It was way easier for me. In reality, Levvi is twice as good a forger as me. but yeah, why have you quit, and have you quit permanently, or what? Or are you just busy with school or something?
I see what you did there. :} I never saw the first version, but this looks pretty cool. It does seem to need something distinctive though, to make it stand out from the pack. Lotta gray, even with the color accents. It's so hard to add color when forging. I've gotten to the point where here lately I try to use the natural geometry more just to add some color and variety. Anyway I digress. Looking forward to the final product.
Actually, this map could be compared to a bank in many ways. It has so much cash flow it should be posted in the cashual section. Always keeping it in mind. The only nat geo right now is the sand... bank... in the lower hallway.
cash flow? That punchline has been copyrighted by seven. You should be ashamed of yourself. And it's called the sand... BAR
http://translate.google.se/translat...http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandbank&act=url Go screw yourself, Xzample. Everything I ever made is copyrighted by seven. This map for example, is an edit of commons. Except he used my joke, cashual section, somehere too. so it cancels out.