GTA V General Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by serumembryo, Sep 26, 2011.

  1. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Top-down GTA was better ... GTA2 dudes ... no-one ever talks about how awesome they were.

    They talk about GTA3 onwards and how they 'reinvented soundtracks' etc ... the radios on GTA and GTA2 were equally ahead of their time, if not more so.
  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    GTA: SA is still my favorite. It was a true sandbox, I spent countless hours at my friend's house making up minigames we could play, or hell even just spending hours looking for bigfoot since the game was so massive and crazy it was entirely possible for it to be true (it wasn't).

    **** I still remember having a blast using the flying car cheat to get to San Fierro, crash into a building, getting to the top of it and using the parachute there to try and land on my own destroyed car, then telling my friend to try and best my attempt. I'm so excited for the next installment, and though I liked the seriousness GTA:IV was going for in terms of storytelling, I just can't see Rockstar improving over Red Dead's, so I'd rather them return to their zany, hilarious roots.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Sarcasm, you and I are so on the same page. Our favorite minigame in San Andreas was this one: Go to your house on the culdesac in L.A. (whatever it was called, can't remember now). Slaughter every person in sight until you get five stars. Hop on a motorcycle and head for the mountain, and see how far you can get. If you make it to the top of the mountain and jump off, you win. (Making it even within sight of the mountain basically never happened - it was hard enough to get out of the city.)

    We also used to do a similar thing in GTA3 in which the idea was to go wherever you wanted, ditch your car, rack up as many stars as possible, and then hand the controller to the other guy to see if he could survive the situation and get back to one of the safehouses. I found a particular place in the map where I could totally **** over my friend; there were enough pedestrians to kill to easily get up to five or six stars, but no parked cars anywhere nearby for him to steal, very little cover, and it was miles from the nearest save point. I stranded him there over and over and he'd usually be dead within just a couple of minutes, cursing my name - it was so much fun.

    Edited by merge:

    New trailer tomorrow. Can't wait. I am enough of a GTA fanboy that all the previous trailers are burned into my memory - you can tell if you watch the video I made for Grand Theft Mongoose, since all the music was directly lifted from trailers and ads for GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas.
    #43 Nutduster, Nov 1, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Well said.

    The countdown is here for anybody anticipating the trailer. I really hope they do something similar to San Andreas, it has pretty big potential. 18 more hours :D

    Edit: Trailer looks pretty sweet. Game location:
    Los Santos? So San Andreas again? Also, flyable jets? :D
    #44 Monolith, Nov 1, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2011
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    It's out there. Multiple details in the trailer confirm it's Los Santos/San Andreas, most noticeably the huge Vinewood sign. Hopefully it will be all of San Andreas, including the San Diego/Las Vegas parts of it, but they deliberately withheld any glimpses of either from this trailer... the bastards.

    Points of interest:
    - graphics are just gorgeous. I can tell already I'm going to get lost in this game.
    - There's a DOG in it. Animals?? Finally???
    - Jets!!! How I've missed you, flyable aircraft. This could also indicate the map will be all of San Andreas, unless they're planning to make Los Santos huge on its own; if it's just one city and a little countryside, the jets will be kind of pointless.
    - Speaking of countryside, it's in there! And mountains - oh, glorious mountains. I think I spent more time in the country than the city, in the original San Andreas. The mountain in the original buttressed up against San Francisco... hopefully a good sign that there are mountains here!
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I was hoping for SA. And I got it.

    I am excite, I hope this is more like San Andreas than GTA IV.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    It sure looks like it. I mean not just set in San Andreas, but it looks like there's a lot more variety to it (e.g. there's a jetski in the trailer... a cropduster... a bike leaning against someone's house, even). This has every appearance of being the current gen San Andreas, down to almost every last detail.

    Which makes me so, so happy.
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    GTA2 was the worst of the series imo. I loved the first one and London, played them both to death, but 2 never grabbed me in the same way.

    That said, I totally see why 3 and the subsequent titles get so much praise. I was a hardcore skeptic of GTA 3, since I loved the originals so much I was one of those who thought that 3d would "ruin it."

    After 5 minutes of playing it I realised how wrong I was. I STILL think of GTA 3 as the game which changed my view of what games could be the most. It blew my mind, the way they created a 3d open world environment was, and still is, beautiful.

    I agree that the top down ones were all kinds of revolutionary and are very underrated, often forgotten about totally, but in some ways I can see why. Partly because they're so old, but partly because 3 genuinely redefined gaming in a big way in its own right. That and Halo CE are still the two most significant console titles for my gaming life, no matter how good the originals were.
  9. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Everyone wanted the game to be set in San Andreas, and be more San Andreas-y.
    Everyone wanted Tommy Vercetti to be the protagonist because he was a ****ing badass.

    I think it'll be Tommy Vercetti, simply because the OV in the trailer says he wants to retire, and this:


    looks to be the protagonist, as he appears 3 times in the trailer. And looks suspiciously like an olderTommy.

    That's my theory on it.

    EDIT: It'd actually make more sense if you ended up working for him, considering playing as a person who should be of about 60 years of age would suck all kinds of ass. Maybe.
    #49 Neoshadow, Nov 2, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2011
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    There's a rumor going around that this game will feature multiple protagonists, so that dude - whoever he is - could be just one of the guys you play as. Maybe, who knows. It would be a real departure for the series and I'm not sure how I'd feel about it, since one thing that uniquely identifies each game is who you control - they aren't just GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas, and GTA4 to me, but also the games where you play Nameless Thug Guy, Tommy Vercetti, CJ, and Niko. (And of course John ****in' Marston in Red Dead.) But if anyone can pull off the multi-protagonist game, it would probably be Rockstar.

    As for this older gent, I do think he looks like Tommy, but he doesn't sound much like him. Some people online think that sounds like Ray Liotta's voice - I'd bet a lot of money that it isn't. It's not even a great impression, if that's what they were going for.

    The other big debate right now: does this trailer mean it will just be in one city, or will we get all of San Andreas (all three cities plus surrounding areas) even though just one city is shown here? Personally I think it could go either way. Rockstar hasn't said anything official yet, and my long memory recalls that the first trailer for San Andreas also focused on Los Santos. I would feel a bit let down if this game was just one city plus some countryside, but that would still ultimately be pretty awesome. The thing I loved about San Andreas though, more than anything else, was the vastness and diversity of the map. I got lost in that game - literally, on a number of occasions. If they are going to try to match that achievement, I will cry with happiness.
    #50 Nutduster, Nov 2, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2011
  11. mortb

    mortb Promethean

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    I really dont care where it takes place they havnt let me down yet
  12. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I really don't know. For instance, the whole multiple protagonist thing in
    red dead redemption, when you play as Jack
    at the end was alright. It worked fine, but would have worked a whole lot better if his character was more fleshed out.

    If they just flesh out each character and put real effort into making each one likeable in his own way, then hell yeah it might work.

    As for the city thing...

    Was the mountain in that background not from San Fierro?
    And did I not see that bridge from San Fierro there too?

    Was I the only one who saw a whole lot of San Fierro?
  13. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    Ehh, the graphics didn't look that great from the trailer, I don't feel like reading all of the comments, when is the release date?
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I really don't even count that one. You actually don't do **** as Jack, it's just a way to keep being able to play the game after... some spoilery events occurred. But I agree that they could make it work - we'll see. It may just be pure rumor at this point anyway. One popular theory is that it will be three cities and three different protagonists, presumably with some kind of interlocking story that binds them all together... could be interesting, and not nearly as artifical as the mechanisms that forced CJ all over the map in San Andreas.

    The mountain range is presumed to be this game's equivalent of Mt. Chilliad, which was nearer to San Fierro than anything else, but it wasn't really in any of the three cities per se. Also there's no telling if the map for this game is really much like San Andreas. Real-life LA has many nearby mountains so if you wanted to make a new game based solely on that one city, mountains would still feature - at least as a backdrop or perimeter to the city.

    As for the bridge, that's the best indicator, I think. It certainly looks like the bridges that connect to San Fierro, and not to anything that I remember from Los Santos, nor much like any bridge that is anywhere near LA. So it could be a sign. But if San Fierro is in the game, they obviously were careful to prune out any direct evidence of its existence, and same with Las Venturras. My guess is that they exist and the next trailer will unveil one of them, just like they did with the series of trailers for San Andreas.
  15. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Really? I thought the graphics actually looked fantastic. LA Noire had great graphics and it looks like there bringing back the realistic faces.

    Also in the trailer, the narrator says hes a father. Lolwut?
  16. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    On that note, LA proper is about 400 square miles, with LA county being many times that. There's the Angeles National Forest which is right next to LA, and the city of LA is actually pretty hilly and mountainous in areas. Unrelated, but the trailer very clearly shows Venice Beach, which is AWESOME :D
  17. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I think I saw Sarge's house.
  18. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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  19. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Yea the graphics for this one look great for a GTA title, course it's probably all CGI.

    And he said he wanted to be a father, he wanted to get away from all the bad things he did and start a new life. But it being a GTA game obviously that didn't happen...

    Considering the voice actor is the same person who played Tommy Vercetti I'm Vice City, and the character kinda looks like him, it's assumed that this is Tommy 26 years later (in his 50's).
  20. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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