halo 3 has bin overthrown in sales. the fact that it's on ps3 and 360 may contribute though http://www.gamedaily.com/articles/g...uto-iv-steals-500-million-in-first-week/#poll
wow thats alot of money for 7 days i wish i was them nd though this one was big just wait till V it will be a must have law probally lol but no game is more 1337 tehn halo 3
it was bound to happen, halo has a smaller fanbase than gta, but where halo lacks in fans it makes up for with about 3x the I.Q. as the gta fanbase *note* jk im a huge gta fan
this is soooo "sad but true" and you would think it would be impossible, what with the amount of jackassery, douchebaggery, and general dumbfuckerness of H3's population... but WOW... gta4 takes the cake in the "i am too stupid to ****ing read a book in my entire life" category i swear to god every ****ing game i have been in has been all mexicans/blacks constantly SHOUTING into the mic "YO WHERE THE WHIP AT" "AWWW **** I POPPED DAT NIGGA" it seriously is taking XBL stupidity to new heights. and dont warn me or try to say im racist because of that, its the truth and i am not a ****ing racist
I can imagine... I haven't had the stomach for online play yet for that very reason, I am not 'gangsta' and frankly anyone actually, in all seriousness living out their fully formed gang member and lolgasm prostitute raping fantasies in a game is pretty depressing... fine to enjoy it as what it is (great game) but I suspect a considerable proportion behave as if it is real life and/or their actual personality when in fact they are quite the opposite.
I haven't played it yet, how is it? It looks really cool and all the other ones are good of course. I heard that the driving is kinda bad though. Other than that it looks a lot cooler than the other ones, with the ability to take cover and choose what to do in some missions. But, umm, Titmar, you may have gone a little overboard there. I get what you're saying though.
its pretty good it has the same amount of fun but with a shitload of stuff to do and with up to 16 people
GTA 4 got about $500,000,000 in its first week of release. you know what that means? out of the first weeks sales, GTA4 was the fastest selling and most productive form of entertainment EVAR!!! no game, boox, movie, nothing sold better than it. now that is impressive
I enjoy GTA. But I have a sneaking suspicion that the majority of people who play online are either inbred or suffering from some sort of major brain damage. I've met maybe two or three people in all my time on live that have been tolerable, the rest would have been better off as abortions.
It's pretty obvious GTA would beat some records. I don't know why I still play Halo, when I compare it to GTA...