Most of the BT and the HT guys should probably know me on here. Im the infamous Cassel of Halotracks and I am a known dude in the BT lobbies that Dream hosts who shows up every once in a while. I have been stopping by this site looking for maps to download but I never really cared to join until now. HT/TriggerSmash is dieing and I just want to be on a site that is active. I heard the community is pretty chilled here so yea. Lets see how this goes.
Welcome. You may wish to contact dreaddraco2 as he is FH's resident troll and can get you a nice setup under a well-traveled bridge.
^ what he said about trolls and bridges. Anyway nice to meet you im Lannders(also my gt) nice to meet you and enjoy your stay.
On a related note, you may wish to contact Shock Theta as he is the resident sock monkey and he can serve any of your serious needs, like name changes and such.