Just for those who are interested, PC specs for this game have been released on Bethesda's blog page. Looks like my GFX card won't be able to cut it, but I'll see what other people can manage with the same. Everything else far exceeds the recommended requirements, though. I'd have liked to have owned this game on PC due to the community mods, but I'd be fine with a console version. To be honest, I'd probably get short-sighted sitting in front of my laptop, knowing the amount of hours I will be putting into this game. Playing it on my TV would be the better option probably, and the colour is better than the lappy screen, anyway. Oh well, there it is kiddies. Enjoy!
I watched the live action trailer yesterday in HD on my massive TV with surround sound and I swear that I giggled with excitement and a little bit of wee came out my pen0r.
Alright, so the game's been leaked for the 360, and there have been a whole list of complaints popping up from players. Be warned: These complaints are gathered from everywhere, and are not necessarily my opinion. Just sayin'. People are complaining about the voice acting. Apparently, it's bad "Even for Elder Scrolls games". I'm still pretty damn hyped.
Why would you want to dual wield shields in the first place? Also, a lot of those complaints were never in the elder scrolls series in the first place.
Some of them were. Lot's of those complaints are pretty screwy anyway. But Dual Wield shields would have been pretty damn fun. I was watching some live streams before Zenimax went ape and managed to shut everything down. Female Giants are ugly motherfuckers, and some of the weapons the game gives you are crazy badass. Also, if "Dungeons and exterior lock on first level you enter them" is true, then ****. Replayability is out the window.
tbh dual wielding shields is kind of a ***** method of fighting. I mean once release, i take it a LOT of these, if they are even present, will be fixed through updates in the near future so i don't think there's anything to worry about.
The only troubling thing I've come across so far, something that kind of annoys me if it's true, is that you may not be able to block if you don't have a shield. So if you have sword in one hand and a spell in the other, you can't block with the sword. Still getting this day one.
That's true, but you have to think of balance. You can with any 2 handed weapon, or any one handed weapon with the other free, or with a shield.
Watching a new live stream that just popped up, a couple of new things have surfaced. The main one being that there's no button to freely move items, like it was LB in Oblivion and Left Stick in Fallout. Sad face, no super decoration powers. Also, no first person horse. When you get on a horse, it goes third person.
how? just start a new character. i dont see why youd really want to keep re-entering dungeons youve already cleared anyway
Well that goes along with what i said earlier. You really never could use horses in the first person. Although it would be nice, it's just their decision not to make it so.
Hmm for some reason i recall otherwise... anyway if any of these faults with the game cause any major issues, bethesda won't think twice about making an attempt to fix them.
first person horse riding was a pain in the ass I'm glad they took it out. Even though you could switch to 3rd person with a click of the stick, it doesn't bother me that they took it out. I'm definitely skipping school on the friday this comes out.
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - 20 Minute Gameplay Demo HD - YouTube Skip to 5:50 I mean HOW can you look away from such elegant ass movements!? I don't see why you would WANT to use first person with a rear like that.
As Surchin said, a majority of those complaints were things that were never in any Elder Scrolls games before. As for things like the "WoW Skill Trees" and the No Classes, we've known this for months... I actually like it... Horses in 1st person were so annoying. Just this giant thing bobbing up and down in front of you blocking a quarter of the screen... Yes, you could change to 3rd person, but whenever you had to get off to kill a wolf/bear/highwayman you'd have to switch back. Just got tedious and annoying. So happy it got taken out.
I despised that from Oblivion. Thankfully I never used horses too much once I discovered the duplication and permanent enchantment glitches. There was no need for horses when my speed and athletics were over 300 each.
You have no need to worry. I'm positive something will be overlooked so you'll be able to magically produce 93 rugs from thin air.