OK here it goes: and the newest one: I've been making sigs for about a year and a half to see a couple more sigs that I didn't post here (and a bunch of my brother's crap) go to my photobucket note: any sig that has someoneelse's name on it is a gift or made by request EDIT Here are two large pieces I made a LONG time ago: RAZR Light (original I know)
Holy Crap! THis is amazing! You should change your sig... I thought it was good, untill I saw these! Great!
I can do renders but I don't use renders all that much anymore. stocks=win and check out tutorials at places like Tech GFX or Total GFX (shameless adverts, they really have some awesome stuff there) and if you really want get serious join one of those and post up some of your sigs for critique, just be prepared for it to get criticized to death, it really helps you get better though. Thanks, which one should I change it to? which one has Haze in it? Thnx lol
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y76/ak1knight/halo3siggietext.png or the one you have now, both are quite good
Too fancy for me. I prefer my 56k-compatible signature, lol But seriously, these are really, really good.
have u ever thought about graphic design r u in the business? cuz damn son those r bangin. really, i mean it. im not joking, those r good
Your only downside is that all of your sigs look relatively the same. Render in the middle, splash some brushes on. Finish with an interesting font. Try do something out of the ordinary. Make your renders stick out from the sig etc. Also you go over the top on brushes. A few is enough mate..
Yeah I've been trying to work on that, but as a general rule you want your focal at least near center because if you have it off to the side, the other side is really boring. Also, I think I've taken the exact opposite of the "less is more philosophy" and that probably isn't the best thing. Thanks for the criticism, it really helps make me better.
They are all freakin' awesome, but the only thing i don't get... Is the odd borders... I don't like the thick border side thin border top and bottom or visa versa... Looks strange most times... But still, awesome as. I think I'm a long ways off something as cool as these.