Agreed. While I was online with a gold account I used to do this all the time. now I have pestilance and a black visor to speak for it.
Firefight Arcade levels you up quickest, but that doesn't matter if you're a Mythic and you still can't aim for ****. Your time would be better spent playing MLG, building up as much skill as you can. Everyone knows that rank means nothing. I have a few Inheritor friends who aren't half as good as I am. Why? Because they spent much of their time playing Firefight and Social. Also, wasn't credit whoring old within the first week of Reach's release? I didn't even think anyone cared about credits anymore. Back in the first week, it was a race to see who can gain credits the quickest. Now, gaining credits is nothing more than watching a number on your screen grow. Is that really what you call fun?
Keep in mind, there are people who play just to have fun and couldn't care less about building skill. If you're looking for a fun playlist that earns you some decent credits as well, I would give the premium playlists a try. Some map/game combinations are kind of bad, but for the most part there is a lot of fun to be had.
Agreed. Also, I played things like FF for credits to rank up so I could get armor that I actually liked.
God, you're such a tryhard it's not even funny anymore. You're even saying your GT is EW Snip3down in your profile. lol
If you perceive me as being a tryhard, then that's your opinion. I can't do anything to change that, nor will I. I'm just a competitive player. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I'm not bashing you for having a casual playstyle, am I? No. So do not bash me or label me as being within a certain group either. We're all in this game. If we wish to grow as a community, then we must remove this line there seems to be between the casual and competitive crowd. I have nothing against the casual crowd, but I'm one of those people who will say what comes to mind, whether it is offensive or not. Sorry if I offended you, I guess?
I'm fine with you being a competitive player, I'm one myself, but you take it to an entire new level. "you're time is better spent playing MLG"? Ha. People can do whatever they want. If people have fun playing shitty gametypes, power to them. One playlist isn't 'better' than the other. Also, you didn't reply to the rest of my post.
Goed zo Overdoziz, laat hem zien dat wij Nederlanders slimmer zijn dan de rest! On a more serious note, Grifball is the way to go if you want credits and also a bit of fun. Connection is a big factor but as long as the enemy doesn't have extreme network superiority(which can still happen pretty often) it shouldn't be that hard to whack some ass.
o_o I could easily find dozens of posts on this forum where you bash people for not being skilled or not playing the game competitively. You don't just play competitively yourself, you actively look down on people who do otherwise. And you did the same in this very thread, whether you realized you were doing it or not. Leaving aside the obvious (that people play the game for all kinds of reasons, and most people play for fun rather than micro improvements in their k/d or online ranking)... you should have realized long ago that there's always a lot of people better than you and a lot of people worse than you. Very few players can claim that one or the other of those isn't true of them. Even if you do consider yourself a competitive player, I've never seen the point in bragging about your skill or bashing people who "can't aim for ****." That's like the best guy in your local pickup basketball game berating other players for missing shots. Yeah, he's better than everybody from his own neighborhood, but he's worse than literally every player in the NBA/European leagues, and probably by a lot. He might be in the top ten percent of basketball players worldwide, but what does that mean? Michael Jordan would still level him with a hangover and having not played for weeks. I also play to win games, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I go off on some "noob" or "bk" about his low k/d or inability to shoot straight. It's the very essence of meaninglessness.
I would like to point out at this point that this thread isn't here because everyone likes to 'credit *****', it's here to because me and a mate couldn't decide which playlist gave the most credits.
I don't see a thing wrong with it, either. A lot of us are still seeking that Inheritor rank. Why not? I've played the game this much already, I'd like to feel some sense of accomplishment out of it other than racking up tens of thousands of kills.
Of course there is nothing wrong with it, one f the things that has made halo so popular is it's versatility to be played in different ways. competive, casual and creative types can all play it
I expected more from someone who tells others to play MLG to up their skill-level instead of playing other playlists for some quick credits. This still on topic, right?
I know I'm never going to Reach Inheritor (see wat I did thar) with college, but I do want to get the Haunted helmet, I've only ever seen 1 guy with it so I think it'll be worth it. I just need 250,000 more credits and half a rank to unlock the last helmet I need to buy. Then the Haunted is only a credit.