NOMINATIONS Rules You are allowed 3 nominations. Provide a link to the maps' Forge Hub threads. DO NOT nominate your own map. DO NOT nominate previous FHF victors. DO NOT nominate previously Featured maps. DO NOT nominate Map Packs. DO NOT discuss nominations in this thread. DO NOT flame nominations posted in this thread. Nominations end November 4[sup]th[/sup], 2011. The 5 maps with the most nominations will then be voted upon in a thread that will be posted November 5[sup]th[/sup], 2011. Example
Gerish by Nick taber ^ up for linky Mlg Splashes by HOMY, LINKY Don't know about my third one yet......
Azula by AceOfSpades Fired Up by Waldo The Lemon Opal by Rorak Kuroda If I remember correctly, that map has already won a Forge Hub Favorites in the past. I could be wrong, though.
Not what I was thinking of. It turns out, it only got nominated. I did think it won a spot in one of the previous FHF's (I believe the one with Mirage by Eightball), but, as I thought, I was wrong.
Oh your right, I should take some initiative to look into things like that. But I suffer from a disease known as lazy bumhole disease.
Should have won HotD II. Great map. That guy has an annoying habit of making his maps so damn clean looking. Probably the only time 4shot will get a QFT from me... ever.