I hate it when you're playing custom games and everyone is taking turns being host and then one chump doesn't let anyone be host even though everybody hates the gametypes he is choosing. It makes so everyone has to quit and make a new lobby!
BF3 beta won't let me get on the same team as my friends. A squad of four joins with each person in one of four different games. On the bright side I went back to MW2 for a little while and the game is incredibly fun with all the noobs, MLG, hackers, and modders gone. It's like playing MW2 the way it was meant to be played.
My roommate wakes up at 7:30 every morning. This is fine, but he always manages to wake me up, whether it's clicking his mouse (whilst playing starcraft), getting a text, or simply going out to run at 6, leaving his phone, and then hearing his phone's ringtone after his friends try to call him over and over again. Plus I'm a pretty light sleeper so when I wake up, I'm basically up for good. I, on the other hand, am very good at keeping quiet. I can stop a sneeze if need be (by holding my finger against the part of my face between my mouth and my nose, kinda like a making a mustache with my finger.... it always prevents me from sneezing). I also always leave my phone on vibrate/silent in case I disturb anyone Idk, just small things that are understandable to a degree, but very annoying to me because I make an effort not to do these things and I think it'd make things worse if I told him because he's not really one for..eh.. criticism. Oh, and tonight he went to bed at 8:30. HONESTLY, why must he go to bed at 8:30 when I have to stay up late studying?! FUUUU
In that case it is quite acceptable to wake him up at some time that is early for him but you're still up
What an inconsiderate twat. To hell with him, if you wake him up while studying, stiff ****. He'll either get over it, or whine like a *****. If it gets so bad, maybe he'll move to a new room. I guess shared dorms are a little annoying if you're a private person, but if the shoe fits... My frustration for the day is that it took TWO WEEKS for someone to post in this thread again. I was itching to post some frustrations in the last fortnight, but no one wanted to play. Forgotten them now, but my point still stands. VENT, MOTHER ****ERS!
I went to the shops to get a haircut, and the stupid ***** shaved my head when I asked them to taper the back starting with a 1. I'm pretty sure she only heard 1.