So after a debate with a friend over which multiplayer playlist gets you up ranks fastest which had no proper conclusion, I thought I'd ask teh internets. So which playlist gets you up ranks quickest? Remember to take both amount of credits per match and match length into account. For example you get a lot of credits in firefight but each match is 20mins long.
Firefight - Arcade fight. Not only is it fun, but you get upwards of a lot every game, plus you can guarantee at least 100 kills towards your commendations each game.
Not to deviate from the OP but I get bored in firefight, it's just too easy. I can go through a whole match and die less than 3 times, in fact I think that the fact that there is no penalty for dieing isn't great either. Anyways arcade fight is great for credit gathering but I reckon invasion is better because you get more credits per unit of time I think.
Is there ever a credit penalty for dying? The penalty for dying is losing the credit bonuses from your current spree etc. so I don't see how that's any different from other playlists. I do agree that it's kinda boring though. When trying to get credits I can rarely be bothered to do something I don't enjoy just for large numbers, especially when stuff like TU Beta is giving out decent credit amounts and occasional massive jackpots (I got a 10,000 slot machine in there the other day). It's not as consistent, but if you're up for getting as many credits as possible whilst still playing regular Halo then TU and Premium Battle are the best places to be (although the latter is less useful because it's so empty that just finding a game can often be difficult).
Well, this isn't exactly a playlist, but what about the ONI Sword Base Credit farming glitch thing? But for matchmaking, Firefight Arcade is the best, I get upwards of 3,000 credits each time, and a healthy amount towards commendations and daily challenges.
Seeing as people want grifball I may change op if I can. Also Pegasi I wasn't talking about credits there, just a comment on the playlist itself. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also why premium battle? Oh and I can't change the poll options
I dunno if it's the best but it's what I used when I wanted credits. Firefight Score attack. -120 kills that no one can steal -no lag -no search time -Kill any way you want for spree's and challenges -pick any map your good at -Short game time. -If i remember right about 2k a game?
If you aren't including Firefight, then Grifball. Well, as long as you can use a hammer. In a decent game, where the other team aren't some kind of gods, I can get about 3k without too much hassle. The majority of the playlists are decently balanced based on Game time>Credits ratio. It's quite tough to choose.
No I was just wondering what people thought was the best playlist for credit gains. Also why do people get so much for grifball?
Cause we're awesome at spawnkilling. A lot of times Daily Challenges are just for number of kills, or Revenges, or Multikills. Commendation progress is faster when you're going 60+ kills a game. It's around 2000+ gredits a game once you start, but the more you play, the higher your trueskill gets, and credit yield is lowered along with tougher enemies. Grifball all day.
bastards! lol jks I spawn kill people too but I still think you shouldn't be able to do it. (blame the game not the players)
I'd rather have fun than endure a single game of Grifball. Especially not for a few thousand credits.
To each his own, I admit it's not my favourite gametype but I still enjoy it with friends (i.e. not the dicks who flood the playlist)
I just play.... you know... to have fun? I'd say whatever you are best at is going to yield the most credits. simple as that
My fav was doing firefight dubs with Mingo and Nox. Good times...Good times.. Equinox, you're still the worst warthog driver I've ever seen