By Redy I love the ability of mankind to "dream." So, I decided to make a map of a "Nightmare" I had one day ... I was required to act fast, after all, were only 2 or 3 weeks for me to give it to the contest "Hub of the Dead II", and here we are... This map is in constant development, so, if you find any bug, please contact me. Then, let's go to the gameplay ... The main objective is to reach the end of the map and escape in the falcon ... (but remember, if you play it with "Alpha Zombies gametype" will not work, because the falcon does not appear at the end). Therefore, play it with your own "custom Alpha Zombies gametype" ... (game type specific to this map comes soon *) Images LoadOuT cAmERa!!! HuMAn´s SPaWn!!!!! GIaNt haLLwAY!!!! AnoThEr CoOl haLLwAY!!!! PlaCe foR LuNch!!! "Do not piss in pants" Save yourself if you can ... -Tip of the Author-
It can still play with Alpha Zombies, just make the falcon pad a good place to hold out. Put in more cover maybe? The map looks great, but make it defensible for alpha zombies.
I think having no defensible areas so the humans must keep moving in a group is more fun for alpha zombies personally. As for the map; picture 4 shows some z-fighting in the hallway and personally I don't like fx in maps because if it is a good map it shouldn't need them to increase enjoyment which is what we're going for here. With the z-fighting, either move the 1x5's down or slightly into the corridor to stop it. As for gameplay I'll give it a dl and get back to you.
Thanks Javidson! Actually, I was wrong to have placed FX, but as I was making the map very fast (for the registration of the contest), I felt a little depressed, and I ended up leaving anyway ... But I think some of the most interesting combinations Colorblind + Next Gen + Juicy could be better.