Great job on the FHF man, this is very deserving! This is one of the few 2 v. 2 maps I have seen lately that plays well, looks good, AND is very original. That last part is what truly pulls me to Bishop.
Wow this map does look really good. But only 2v2? I don't believe you, I think it looks perfectly large enough for standard 4v4 battles as well FFA. And maybe a little open for DMR starts, but that's what everyone plays these days, so whatever. In any case, I hope to see more gametypes supported for it in the future. I'll dl and take a look around to see for myself.
Seriously everybody who wants to download the top maps would have already, let these threads die now and other maps have a go :'(
this is a 2 week cycle of maps, now that these have been up for nearly their 2 weeks the new ones have been nominated and voted for and will be replacing the current ones tomorrow, i believe.
Thank you. I'm glad you've enjoyed it. I was very surprised it did as well as it did in the fhf but I'm sure glad. I even got a third party write up from it. ^_^ It does also support 3 person ffa but the fact isn't is it large enough to support more than 2v2 but are the line of sights block enough to play more than 2v2. You know? Of course size has something to do with it, but it's only a portion of it. Also, it would only really support dmr starts or else the person with the dmr would have an extreme advantage again because of the line of sights. For the gametypes, most gametypes just aren't fun with only 4 people so it only support what plays well for 2v2. :/ Thank you for the input on the map though, try and get some games and I'm sure you will understand where I'm coming from. Thank you for downloading and giving it a try. and I agree totally. Thanks for the bump. ;P and thank you for explaining. Haha