Hi...my name is xDeadly Godx...call me "Deadly" for short if u want... About Me I am a halo fanboy and that's all I have...I am a leader of a clan called "Dark Avengers" and we haven't lost a battle yet (record 4-0). Now back to me (Clan in a diff section) Now as you can see I love to say whats on my mind and I love to write. I don't really forge good but co-forge i'm good at. Although I do know every aspect of forging, rotation snap to labels...you name it. I also host a lot of things like on Nov 4th ill be hosting a party (Link Here) and i'm going to host tournaments soon to, possibly a league. My Background I started playing halo in the Halo 3 era. When I first played it with my friend i lost 50-3. The 3 shots were lucky grenade kills that i think he gave to me. I got addicted to it the day I first played it. I asked my grandpa and he bought me a 99 dollar xbox pro and Halo Reach. I practiced and practiced and got very good. I played my friend again for a rematch and i killed him 50-24. I've gotten better since then...once when I was in my game i got a perfect game, 50-0 . My life has been going great til my mom passed away in 2010. Once that happened my halo life changed...i sucked so bad that i switched to noble 6 armor (oh no not that!) accually i've never bought armor til about 3 weeks ago. Read how I changed back in the clan section. Where i'm at currently Right now i'm in my bedroom...writing this...im in 8th grade AND playing football (which my team has a perfect record of 7-0 and comming up to our rivals for our last game) which is hard because I have 2 hour after school practice (school ends at 3:50) AND have to do all my homework...FML...although i'm in the process of making a map and ill post it in a day or two. Clan alright...if you don't want to read this then don't...so I put it in a spoiler Spoiler The clan started in August of this year. So far we haven't lost. We played a clan twice and won both times. If you want to check us out heres our website (website). I was playing on Matchmaking when i met now my best friend...hes such my best friend that I would catch a bullet for him (no **** ;D) His GT is Dark Ages 007 and when he asked me to join im like "ok cool". I really didn't know what a clan was but once I joined my Halo life changed. I got 10x better and I met a lot more friends. We are recruting and we are also accepting battles...come on...you can break our record can u . Thanks to the clan it recovered me from the death of my mom. I've gotten better than ever...for the last lot of games in Match making I led the board. I was going to participate in the FLAG tournament but backed out at the last min. The clan had good and bad times...we had to kick 3 people out and that was hard to do. They reported us for something and made me lose a star . Right now the clan has 10-12 people and we are comming up to 2 clan battles this weekend, and a branch battle this weekend. Final Comments Remember the motto I made up and keep saying...if someone is putting you down or trying to change you say this "Me is me and you can't change me"
Maybe you should be focusing some of that precious clan time on learning proper grammar. Also, I'd like to know the name of the l337 clan that lost to someone who has a negative K/D. Welcome to Forge Hub.
Uh, welcome. That was...quite a life story. I've got a doubles partner if you want to take your best team mate and maybe we could have a friendly game or two. And then your record would be 4-1 or whatever. /I'msohardcoreandIknowit /promulge
ok...that's just insulting right there...all you needed to say was the last line or ask for the name of the "1337" clan or what ever...so what if I don't have a +1.0 K/D...also...what "grammar mistakes" are there in here. I honestly don't care if you are a Mod or not you don't insult people like that...not cool... and honestly...if you have a +1.0 k/d that just means that you spend all your time on halo and started when bungie started. I started when Halo reach came out, i never really started practicing my butt off until I got in the clan. So that makes 3 months of practice...not a good welcome to the Forge Hub Community...gettin insulted by a MODERATOR
He does that, dun worry, ignore it. You should me and Surchin saying **** good things about him on XBL. add mehh bro. GT: mcneelyman
Dude, welcome to the world of internet trolls that is FH. stay away from nibbles when hes mad, he'll bite ur face off
so ill say a 25 year old guy...is insulting a 13 year old boy...i understand trolls but bite my face off...HA...id like to see him try