Zeitpunk des todes

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by bawward, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. bawward

    bawward Forerunner

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    Zeitpunkt des todes

    Hello all,

    This is ZEITPUNKT DES TODES (Time of Death)

    The basic principles of the map are
    -Close Encounters
    -Balanced Human/Zombie Interaction
    -To Create a CREEPY map for scaring the crap out of your friends (or wife in my case) :D

    This map is very aesthetically pleasing, I'm a graduate-level Architecture major and enjoy doing things like this, Apartment 5B was my initial bar set for quality, but I never like that you couldn't really play the map. The dynamics of map design are very interesting, and here's my first shot at an Infection map.

    How The Game Starts


    Zombies spawn under the village in the "sewers", locked in cages (to prevent killing each other, thereby spawning themselves above ground with the humans before intended.) Zombies come out of their "cages" after a time period of 40 seconds (so the humans can get set-up) At 40 seconds, a teleporter spawns in their cage, letting them get out and go wreak havoc!

    At 35 seconds, the village square lamppost ignites, warning of the darkness coming.

    When the zombies are released, there are 4 paths to get into the city; 3 "man-hole" style exits (into alleys) or one basement door to exit from. Because of the darkness the 4 paths/exits from the sewers are marked on the ground with colors (so you can go kill your friends faster without getting lost in the dark).

    Once out of the sewers, alleys await. These are not lengthy, confusing or boring. The side walls are jogged, simulating what the growth of the city of time has done to the smooth walls and decreases sight lines and sight distance and to discourage good campers.

    You then have several options as a zombie;

    Run down the main alley that is populated with windows, doors, sashes, shutters, chimneys, etc.

    There are multiple unique ways to gain entrance into buildings other than just doors or windows. One building can be accessed through the attic of an adjacent building (only zombies can due to jumping ability, reducing camping and encouraging a sense of "privilege")

    From the attic entrance, you are elevated above the room of the house below, able to jump down, sit for awhile, or descend the chimney (like Santa! ... well, zombie Santa.) The exit is angled, increasing exit speed.

    As a human, you are spawned above ground when it's still light out. All buildings have moveable barriers (Covenant Crates, moved by shooting or melee). There are slight "tracks" behind these to encourage correct movement.

    Once inside, it's zombie time! At about this time, the lights will dim, and you'll be safe in your house, ready to survive the attack! (Or that's what you think)



    So this is it! Let me know what you think! I would love to have it critiqued. Sadly, I am out of budget (something I've never done on previous builds before!) Thanks for checking this out! If shared, please give construction credit to it's creator. :)
    #1 bawward, Oct 25, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011
  2. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    haha, this is really original actually, the zombies have four different ways coming in the city. This is actually awesome, submit this to hub of the dead II ?
  3. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    looks great, have you thought of posting this for Hub of the Dead 2?
    and instead of wasting money on seperate cages, under game options, there is an option to prevent friendly fire. Then the zombies cannot betray.
    And epic windows, i love it.
    Purple isnt that dark. I often complain because it isnt dark enough.
    Very original style, I haven't seen this type yet. but you do use alot of peices in a small space.

    And the guy before me stole my sentance.
    #3 firedrone8, Oct 25, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2011
  4. bawward

    bawward Forerunner

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    What is Hub of the Dead 2?

    And good point about the zombies and friendly fire... don't know why I didn't think of that! Guys I play with tend to screw with each other... so -5 is usually introduced for betrayal... doesn't usually stop a thing. :)
    Yes, lots of pieces, lots of budget... I guess I get sick of seeing so many maps have flat 5x5 flat pieces or are comprised of the "buildings" provided.
    also, the reason I went with "one-way shield" lifts instead of man-cannons is to reduce sound, that way humans have no idea when zombies are approaching. I also just have a distaste for man cannons... don't know why.
    still has yet to be actually play-tested to asses how map-balancing is... if you find anything out, let me know! I'll be play-testing myself.

    Edited by merge:

    btw, forgot to address this.

    the special fx are purple and next-gen and old-time.

    couldn't really find a combo that I liked to be honest... would have liked it 25-50% darker but couldn't really find anything that worked... and I did want to keep that street light, any ideas/thoughts?
    #4 bawward, Oct 26, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011
  5. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Our latest Contest here on FH.

    And like drone said, purple isn't dark at all, it's just .. purple. If you want your map to be dark and playable try mixing several effects, this eats up a lot of budget though. My personal favorite would be Colorblind + Next Gen + Juicy, this combo provides you with darkness, but you are still able to see what's going on and it sets itself apart from the usuall purple zombie maps.
  6. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I always combine Juicy, Purple, and Colorblind. That's what you should have done. anyways good original map. and about the 5x5's, I make original buildings with 5x5's. Like have you ever seen a ladder that works and is made of camping stools phased sideways? And I was working where the zombie spawns underground and has to break out.

    Also the name is very original: The Devil's Undertaking
    #6 Elite Warrior5, Oct 26, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011
  7. bawward

    bawward Forerunner

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    regarding Elite Warrior5 - I don't think camping stools can be phased into objects, they bounce off just as if they were on "fixed" setting. I believe they have to be placed in space where you want them, then drag a (for example) 5x5 that is phased over them, leaving whatever want exposed of the stools not covered... that make sense?

    And what map name is original? Yours or mine? And if it's yours... ok, thank you for the reference of your own map.
  8. The Barracuda

    The Barracuda Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks quite nice and I also like the idea of the lamp post telling you when night is going to fall but it is Zeitpunkt des Todes!
  9. bawward

    bawward Forerunner

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    Thanks you for the correction! The color thing have been corrected, went with Juicy/Colorblind/Purple, I like it much better! It will be updated on my file-share shortly.
  10. Southern

    Southern Forerunner

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    Finally, somebody did city themed infection right. I've seen so many maps be just cramped alleyways or camping on a roof. The map is great in every way, and better be submitted to Hub of the Dead.
  11. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Hey, this map looks great. Not a lot I can say that hasn't been said. But I was curious; you mentioned that humans and zombies are balanced, could you post their traits? I just want to see what you came up with.
  12. ReAcTiionz

    ReAcTiionz Forerunner

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    A dark setting is purple, juicy and orange, but that may be to dark
  13. bawward

    bawward Forerunner

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    OK all, changes have been made.

    The map now has purple/colorblind/juicy for it's Special FX. Yup, I tried both combinations suggested and due to the map itself and my personal taste I agree with Elite Warrior that it looks great! There's not much color/nature stuff on the map, making the juicy ok. I had to change to street lamps light from yellow to white, due to juicy making it really nasty looking.
    Under the ground in the sewer was also cleaned up, walls that were poking into the sewers are mostly cleaned up, moved or adjusted... still some poking through but not too badly really.
    Also some simple aesthetic adjustments have been made, all shutters have at least a 5 degree-cant to them now, looking more natural instead of "tacked on".
    Zombie spawns have been adjusted and enlarged a little bit. Wanted to place soccer balls in each cell for some entertainment until the game starts but sadly it didn't happen.
    Map name changed from "Zeitpunk des Todes" to it's proper form (and my fault for spelling error) Zeitpunkt des Todes
    A random spartan laser has been removed from map (a friend that jumped into my forge session and continually tried to laser my monitor guy)
    Again, lots of little adjustments but nothing huge except the FX settings.

    The download link and my fileshare have been updated. This map has now also been submitted for the Hub of Dead II competition, wish me luck!

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks for the nice words. As you play it I would like to hear what you think about the alleys behind the 4 core inhabbitable buildings. I had a fight in my head considering removing the rear alleys... but that would make the man-hole exits for the zombies dead ends... which could have been interesting, but I liked the ability to navigate the map that the alleys created. Next map - Subway system with busted roof, done right.

    Edited by merge:

    I attempted the setting you mentioned as well as the two previously posted. I did like what orange did to the darkness... something to consider implementing into future map design but thought it was just too dark (I like seeing well-built buildings as I creep around :)

    Edited by merge:

    Regarding the humans and zombies being balanced there were several things I did both with the map and the gametype (although the gametype is still a little iffy in my opinion)

    Map -
    Short sight lines.
    No good camping spots/areas of power
    Areas of power (such as 2nd floor buildings with windows (essentially sniping towers) have multiple entrances from multiple places in the room. The main large building off the center square has stairs (entering from the south) and two openings from the n-w and the n-e, making camping in that room tough, as well as nerve-racking! (sp?). Also jogged alleys instead of straight for reasons mentioned above.
    Partitions at tops of stair ways, eliminating most camping strategies (although others will arise).
    One-way shields for some entrances into rooms, pushing the zombies in at high speed disorienting the humans (as well as angled exit for fireplace creating same effect). Lots of blind corners.
    And idk, lots of thought and re-design/construction of spaces. Then thinking through how I would approach the room first as a human wanting lots of kills and then as a zombie wanting to nail the human, trying to make it even and yet unique for both.

    Gametype -
    More zombie health (although pistol shots to head still kill instantly)
    Slight damage increase for zombies (due to ability to somewhat block a swords lunge with melee from human timed correctly)

    I apologize, long post but I guess lots of thoughts in my head trying to get out. Did that answer what you asked?
    #13 bawward, Oct 26, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011


    Likes Received:
    This map is really good considering the effort you put into it, im impressed love the lamp post!
  15. bawward

    bawward Forerunner

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    Thanks for the encouragement Oreoduke, I enjoyed making it a lot, and it is pretty fun to play on too. I appreciate the nice words!

    Also, the download should have been updated since these photos, it's a but darker now.
  16. bawward

    bawward Forerunner

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    Map has been updated - File Share also updated.


    Lighting is now darker - fx fixed
    Two/Three "map breaking" points

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