well im on my last one of the day and lets finish it out with a map i havent had much time to work on and its name is... Onyx i seriously havent forged on this map in months but im ready to get back at it!
This map looks promising, but it seems like there should be more to break up the line of sight. I think it could use a lot more cover (not random cover) because it seems very open. Other than that it seems like its going to turn out to be a nice map
You're really obsessed with tin cups, aren't you? Not that that's a bad thing, I just think you need to cut back on them a bit or try to use them a bit better. In the last pic I see a Rocket launcher above a Grenade launcher and I don't really think that's a good way to have your power weapons set up. Some one could easily just grab rockets and the Nade launcher and dominate the map. You should try to spead them out a bit or just keep one or the other, depending on the size of the map. Also, I see you like to use red and blue lights to signify bases- It's a bit out-dated and really just lazy, IMO. They also cause major FRL, so be careful. This is not at all a badly forged map. If anything, it's really neat and looks really creative. Hopefully you won't take anything I've said as flaming. I'm just trying to help. Good luck and keep up the good forging.
Looks good, but what bothers me is the last pic, its not a good idea to put the grenade launcher under the rocket launcher. And one more thing, the grass made by the tin cups look fake.
thanks but i think the nade launcher was there first, and the rocket launcher was there for something to shoot around while coming up with ideas for the map. and yes i am obssed with the tin cups they are awesome! but they do look a little fake and you are right about the lights they cause FRL. those lights are gone. and i wont take anything you have said as flamining [br][/br]Edited by merge: I didn't mean to put the RL ther