Yoink is bullshit. "Hey I am not good enough to get kills on my own, let me go in and try to literally take yours out of your hand." This is mostly cus I have a sticky bumper, and I have almost no control; I either assassinate or assassinate.
I do find that sometimes I'll assassinate accidentally because of lag, when I meant to simply do a beatdown. (The same issue can make grenade launcher shots explode in mid-air - in a very laggy game, it seems to think I'm holding down the trigger when I'm not, and then when it gets the message late that my trigger is no longer depressed, the shot explodes wherever it is at that moment.) Anyway, I mostly find yoinks funny, but I don't go out of my way to do it unless the other player pissed me off, or it's a friend and I'm messing with them. Apart from those situations, the vast majority of my yoinks are accidental. I've had countless yoinks off of a twitch reflex shot, grenade thrown before the assassination even started, or one of those situations where there's so much going on that you can't quite tell who is assassinating who, so you just fire and kill the bad guy.
I think that having your victim yoinked should get you atleast a Medal so you still get credits you would get for the kill.
The animated assassinations were the only fun thing about Reach Multiplayer. Figures they would manage to ruin that, too.
Yoinks shouldn't have been added in the first place...The piss me off when i worked so hard to get that assassination and some noob or a warrant officer who thinks hes all cool comes up and steals it...
Classic whining. That almost makes me want to yoink every assassination I see, just to piss people off. You guys take the game (and your stats and medals) waaayyyy too seriously.
i don't mind it. another assist for the commendation. whatevs i do love that the word "yoink" originated on the simpsons (one of my fave shows) and is now in one of my fave games lol
That's correct. If the knife plunges and you damage them enough in the process, you do get an assist.
^ And if they did enough damage to get the kill without you getting an assist then either you started to animate a player with very low/no shields (i.e. you're a very special kind of special) or they sniped them which is pretty hard to do. You'll get an assist the vast majority of the time. EDIT: Funny story: yesterday my friend kinda yoinked himself. The glitch happened where you start to animate but can then move around, in which time he panicked and went in for a regular back smack, cancelling out the assassination before it was finished. The glitchy nature of assassinations only makes them more laughable imo, I've gotten a showstopper on my own assassin like 5 times.
Looked up some youtube videos seems like you do actually get an assist. But whenever I've been yoinked(which doesn't happen often) I've never got the assist medal maybe there shots/melee's do enough damage that I don't get the 60% damage from the animation to give me the assist idk, but that's why I thought you didn't get the assist. So the reason yoinks annoy me has changed from "You don't get an assist when yoinked" to "I personally never get assists when I get yoinked" Side note:Assassinations make some pretty unique situations. Like when you get an assassination and an ally is standing right in front of you watching and your thinking "You better not!" and his thinking "Should I?"
William, why do you the animation if it annoys you if someone steals your kill? Seriously, I don't get this. Does that animation give you such a huge boner?