This is Vendetta, it is a smaller map meant for for either 2v2 or 3v3, but it works with 4v4 though it can be a little chaotic. It works with all slayer, CTF and assault variants excluding neutral flag because I didn't know that existed. Weapons- 6 dmrs 4 needle rifles 4 assault rifles 2 needlers 2 snipers * edit 2 spikers (replaced shotguns) 2 plasma rilfes *edit oversheild removed and some grenades Picture time! Overview Staircase leading to teleporter inside of bases (identical) inside of bases (identical) Download!
Personally id cut down to 1 shotgun and no overshield or just the overshield and snipers if you're going for a 2v2 map. Also, i know stairs are the new hip thing in forging, but honestly, they just cause frame rate lag and are very bumpy when walking on them :s Good map tho, nice design and simple aesthetics. Probably gonna keep this one.
Agreed. For a map that is designed for 2v2, having two snipers and two shotguns is just way too much (wow that was a lot of 2's). I'd have one of each and not be biased towards any team. I'd get rid of over-shield too. Other than that, it's really aesthetically pleasing and forged very well. 8/10
I like how you centered the map around the tree, it provides a decent amount of cover, and looks very good and decorative.
nice one! other than the fact that theres too many snipers and shotguns, i think its one of the cooler maps out there. also, as spl4tterman said the tree is nice and the covenant obstacles were placed well as well.
The main reason i have two shotguns and an overshield is because I couldn't really have it "perfectly centered" in the map so i put an overshield, i think you're right though and i should limit it to one shotgun, or take them out and leave the 2 snipers as the power weapons *edit- okay i changed the map so there is no overshield and instead of shotguns i put spikers because i like spikers in maps [br][/br]Edited by merge: These stairs are surprisingly smooth because I spend the time to evenly space out the steps and make sure they don't stick through the 3x3 short piece, Thank-you for the feedback though any and all feedback helps and I already edited the maps weapons