God! Is it not possible to enjoy two games? And it isn't "dying". The last non-spin-off Halo broke sales records.
NO YOU HAVE TO PICK ONE AND GAME ON IT FOREVARZ! Also, which game is the "non-spin-off" Halo? Reach might have sold record sales, but tbh, it's the first Halo game ever to have become boring as **** not even a year after it's release. Maybe CEA is well overdue release to spice things up a bit, but for most people, Reach is a failed game. And if you're referring to Halo 3... that's like 5 years old now :| That's like saying Pacman isn't dying because the last spin off sold record breaking sales 27 years ago... ....poo face.
Hmmm... i don't know. Personally I kind of liked ODST. I do have to agree though that reach did get kind of boring fast but I think that was more the stories fault. A brief scene with master chef near the end and a legendary ending would have made the game a whole lot better. That and if the forge capacity was better on the other non forgeworld/tempest maps.
I don't really foresee this being a blow out like Halo 2 or Halo 3's launch, I'll probably be able to show up the next day and grab one. I'm not preordering.
Not preordering. I generally play whatever games my friends are playing and care more about that stuff than what game I'm playing. I'll probably end up getting it a few days after release.
yes. not for any bonus I'm getting, I just usually preorder any game I want. When it comes to halo usually becomes always [br][/br]Edited by merge: uh.... there was a scene with master chief at the end? Didn't you see him in the cryo tube thingy? Halo Reach: Master Chief is in Reach "Easter Egg" - YouTube [br][/br]Edited by merge: I wouldn't say Halo is dying, and certainly not because of COD. most gamers (that I know) either Love one or the other, they aren't huge fans of both. Few hundred thousand players a day on reach.... I wouldn't say its dying.
True but if you really think about it Master Chef is what makes halo halo, and it was kind of predicted prior to the game release that he would atleast show up in a legendary ending. Of course that didn't happen.
Chief was in reach,he's in his pod when the pillar of autumn takes off after noble 6 destroys the cruiser/battleship.
I posted the video. He is in reach. The last mission is all about getting him and cortana on the pillar of autumn. So according to you, what makes halo halo was the final objective of the final mission of reach. It comes full circle, back to the first mission of the first game.
This is a great example of a game with almost no replay value. If you preorder it, you're most likely a Halo fanboy. And while there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, the price will drop like a bird shot with a BB. I think I'll wait until it hits the ground and scrape the remains into my lunch.
Wait, what? Source? Last I heard they explicitly stated that only the new maps would be included with CEA.
Idk. That's just what I've heard, and assumed based on ODST. If it's not, I highly doubt I will spend $40 on another expansion pack.
Indeed. Though you can install Reach to your hard drive and use those maps in CEA too, and obviously any downloaded map packs too.
I'm not sure if I will get this game. I usually pick games up when they are released as you get better offers, but as I have been replaying all the different Halos, I don't see much different from the original, yes it has been re mastered but compared to new games out e.g gears 3 and battlefield 3, I don't know if it will be value for money at £35 - £40. As it will be out in the USA first I will check videos and footage to see if it is worth it.