I missed my red tiger camo SOOOO much. This prestige shop is looking so interesting, i think im more interested in that then anything else. I do love the strike packages and i dont think the assault or the support is overrated. Assault KS are much higher and support has the underrated SAM turret. With support and a low KS selection can almost guarantee no OP KS covering the sky... maybe the ground those drones look badass
Yes. So if you choose UAV, Airdrop Trap and EMP, as long as you get 18 kills throughout the game, you get to call in an EMP, no matter how many times you die in between. Of course, you could choose just UAV, and call in a UAV every 4 kills.
Can't tell if it's unbalanced or not, I'd actually have to play the game. I averaged well above 18 kills a game in MW2 and black ops, so it doesn't look like it's going to be much of a problem to be constantly calling in support streaks. Then again, with all those Assault streaks, there'll probably be less kills for those support players like me. Glad to see the game is shaping up to be deeper.
Stephen Colbert had something to say about some new developments. Skip to 2:00 to get to the MW3 part.
Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Strike Packages Behind the Scenes Video - YouTube ahahahahahahahaha
have you seen some of the interviews? some of the sledgehammer staff?...oh my... and the london level makes me crack up. the tube is nothing like that and nobody drives pick ups in the UK.
Hmmm... I have prestiged on every game but call of duty 4... which I no longer have. I wish you could have multiple points per game. (10th WAW and MW2)
Sorry if this is old but I found this interesting, At the end of a trailer it has the kill streak IMS killing someone in multiplayer. MW3: I.M.S. (Killstreak) - YouTube I noticed that the kill streak kill actually gives him anther kill streak(juggernaut) and since the juggernaut is a 14kill streak he using the IMS he is using the "Assault kill streaks" with hardline on. -So Kill streaks add to kill streaks(Don't panic there is a lot more easily accessible anti air in this game.) Also in the bottom right corner there is a yellow kill counter bar so you know how many kills till you unlock a kill streak which is pretty handy. -Your able to choose which one you want to use first(up down on dpad then right on dpad to use) One thing I don't get is how he has a predator missile and a IMS which are both 5 killstreaks. Maybe early version glitch, Maybe something to do with how killstreaks are assigned to loadouts i dunno.
i really hate the sledgehammer and beachhead people. they're just tagging along on what infinity ward does, and it makes it all look so watered down. the HUD is the same and all the guns (see latest trailer) reuse old sounds! though thats better than the sound of blops' guns
Hey my name is Vice and im here to **** on mw3. Im kidding really but only alittle BTS Weapons Progression Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Trailer (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) - YouTube in the video they mention that the smg class will get a weapon proficiency that let you knife faster. Basically a tactical blade. but why would they do that people always say they hate the panic knife and runner/knife combo. this is just another non-perk way of boosting knifers. I just dont know why they would do that. Not to mention that one perk that lets u aim and move super fast. that mixed with a lmg(with proficency to move faster) well...
The minuscule advantage a faster knife gives you comes at the cost of an extra attachment, range, or more accuracy, and moving slightly faster with the LMG isn't going to make the LMG class unstoppable, just more viable. Not to mention sprinting longer distances and aiming faster down sights are two different perks, which means no UAV immunity, no air support invisibility. Feel better?