Yes. This has been said before, but I think that everyone should spawn with sprint, and there should be a jetpack as a pickup somewhere in the map. Everything else should just be used for minigame purposes.
I like Evade as a pickup AA. Watch MLG gametypes and see how many people go for Evade every time they can compared to how many do the same with JP, also the reason why Evade is always a neutral pickup (so it's fought for, or at least contested for) whilst JPs are generally team spawning. I HATE Evade as a starting AA, but it's my favourite pickup AA.
AR needs a slight buff, as well as being a pickup on maps that use bloomless slayer. I have come to hate ZB slayer because everybody picks it, I don't want to be forced to use a weapon I hate with a passion.
I just found this out and thought I would share because it could have an effect on how you play. Health Pack Glitch in Halo: Reach Title Update & Beta Playlist - YouTube It seems like any health regen is ONLY aesthetic. (which explains why I could never understand when someone could kill me or not)
One thing that confuses me in that video - do I understand correctly that your health is still lower even after you die and respawn? I need to go experiment with this in a custom game to see exactly what's happening, I think.
I think maybe it's regenerating the sheild but not the health? This is pretty strange though, I must say. Also I think that melee is a wee bit overpowered IMO.
I think it also happens in gametypes without the new changes, but the impact of it is neglectable as it only occurs under rare circumstances. In the TU gametypes it does happen often, though. I think it has something to do with the entire bleedthrough situation. I honestly want to see a gametype with zero bloom and no bleedthrough and see how that plays out. I prefer the system Reach has anyway.
I find that I don't have strong feelings about bleedthrough, but I am so used to non-bleedthrough games after playing them for months and months that I still react in live situations as if it wasn't a factor. It may take me hundreds more games to adjust my thinking.
Even though I was aware of it from the start, I noticed the same thing after a few days of the TU playlist; that I wasn't going for melees until the shields were gone anyway. I consciously thought about going for 3 shot + melee kills for a day or two and after that it felt much more natural. It still takes some mental effort from time to time as I switch from regular playlists to TU quite a lot, but I'm definitely getting used to it and definitely prefer it.