Or it is for the US at least... by the end of this year. President Obama announced today that the US would be withdrawing all troops from Iraq by the end of 2011. BBC News - Obama announces US leaving Iraq
ill go with the classic ill believe it when i see it. Ive felt very slighted by out current president. Lots of promises very little of them actually kept. Chatted about our president with my mom and she said i was foolish to think that a president isnt already bought and paid for my corporations. My mom pretty much schooled my ass.
While it is true that to make it to the highest office in the country involves a fair amount of soul selling and bullshit pandering I'd say the level of which is what counts. Some fully sell out their actual beliefs to get elected while some use their beliefs to tailor situations toward what they want. But on topic, like vice said, I'll believe it when I see it.
Twice. Once a few months ago when he said that he's removing all combat troops. And now when he's removing all of the troops. I won't be happy until we are out of Afghanistan also.
"We want out of the middle east, now!" "But they all want to destroy america..." "No dammit, they're just dirty sandy people, and we're getting our troops killed!" "If you'll just look at the numbers here-" "NO. Get the troops out" "But we're trying to cover ourselves so further terrorist attacks don't happen." "CONSPIRACY. NINE ELEVEN WAS A HOAX. YOU JUST WANT THEIR OIL. THEY TOOK OUR JERBS." "**** it. Pull the troops out." Looks like the people of America finally "won" one.
Actually, we are leaving Iraq because of the agreement meted out by Bush and the Iraq people a while ago. All troops out by 2012.
Yeah, but nobody remembers because this happened. Bush Dodges Shoes Thrown by Iraqi Journalist - YouTube
Off topic, but I never understood how the secret service is expected to take a bullet for him if they can't take a shoe for him.
Presidents aren't immune to Procrastination. I dunno what the secret service is but I'm guessing there body guards and I'm thinking there not from a movie so there job isn't to dive in front of single sniper bullet dramatically, I would hope there job is stop the sniper from getting into a position to shoot him and if a bullet is shot then they stand in front of him. Normally shoes aren't a projectile threat so they didn't remove shoes like they would of removed a gun and In the video they stood around him after to 'take a shoe for the president' lol. So I don't know what you more you expected them to do?
The last time I heard about shoes in the news it was because someone stuck a bomb in one and tried to blow up an airplane. Seems like they could get to him at least by the second shoe. Security, it's all about what gets him reelected. Which killing bin laden will help with much more than anything else and at a lower cost.
I was just making a joke, but I don't think Obama prioritizes based on what will help him in the election, or at least I hope he doesn't.