Covenant Assault Carrier

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by timmypanic, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Here are some improvements I am working on for an update to this map.





    Hello all, welcome to my laters production.
    This is built for aesthetic purposes only, although it does work on slayer and jug. Also set up to work on territories and halo ball for aesthetic purposes only.
    I haven't added lots of gametypes on this version as the framerate is not good enough to play custom games, but it is still set up if you do want to try a match.

    This has been a challenging forge, researching the Covenant assault carrier. Screenshots are few and far between and there are hardly no screenshots of inside or any way know to enter physically, there is a cheat to see some rooms on halo 3 in the ark that are rooms on board the ship.

    Big thanks to dt192 for help gaining intel, and all his hard work generating 3d models for me to capture the aesthetics of the ship externally.















    This also has a working cannon that auto fires balls on halo ball or can be loaded. Budget left around 1500, but lots of walls & blocks that are useful and cheep, also around 2 - 3000 0f aesthetics that can be deleated to create a working map.

    I will continue working on the ship now it is posted I can get drastic and look at reforging areas and maybe enlarging this ship.
    At the moment it is aprox 650 ft by 320 ft (65units x 32 units) making this ship 1:8 to scale. And at a wopping 5km I wouldn't have the resources to make this large and look right.

    In the future this will hopefully be working for invasion....but that will be a new post if it is possible.
    Thanks to dt192 for the awesome 3d model and screenshots


    Thanks for looking

    #1 timmypanic, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2012
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Timmy, this is incredible. Your aesthetic skills are superb and after looking up some images of the in game vessel I dont see a whole lot of difference. It's too bad the inside couldnt be made into a small map, but in the end it doesnt matter. The map is impressive and brilliant and I applaud your skills. I wish this post had some usefulness to it, but I cant think of a single thing done wrong or oddly. Excellent work.
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you, I didn't want to set any false pretences, fr is not good, but this is due to light on front as main weapon, doubled up mancannons to get right colouring , the working cannon isn't of much use but for messing around it can be fun and add another dimension to this forge. Problem mainly is the size, and the large or long structures in forge, with parts poking out and immense lights. , the longest block also had lights, practically all pieces needed to make this look accurate have framerate problems from the 5*1's to the walkway covers. I haven't given up on this being a map, but now after aesthetically making this I can concentrate on an improved version.
    #3 timmypanic, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  4. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    This ship looks f****** beast. It looks like an exact replica of it. really hope ou are able to make this to a larger scale. It would be really cool if you made it for Invasion though.
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you, I would have liked to make this larger, the ship is to scale 1:8 the round head is probably the size of my ship, literally 8 x larger. It would be massive. It was important for me to have this looking good, I didnt like the idea of forging the dome like head out of blocks, but to make to scale it would mostly be made out of col walls and col windows, and wouldn't look as curved. The head set the size of the assault carrier, I figured the dish was the best item externally although it is a shame a large are of bridge isn't accessible because of it being solid now. I will try another vesion but the only way would be to use a modded file that I wouldn't want to publish on forging sights.
    Thanks for your feedback and I am glad to receive a comment.
    #5 timmypanic, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  6. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    I'm dissapointed that this is for aesthetic purposes only, because I think it would make for a good objective-base map, or even invasion. I'm still glad to see this posted; it looked good from the start.
  7. G0DLYP4ND4

    G0DLYP4ND4 Forerunner

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    *coughp3n15* naaaaah I'm just kiddin. But seriously it looks very very well built. Looks very accurate too. Just wish you could play on it.
  8. MadnessMan5770

    MadnessMan5770 Forerunner

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    nice as ice. keep up the good work timmypanic! im going to post a new aesthetic map, mah mansion. you'll see it new week!
  9. spy penguin

    spy penguin Forerunner

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    how the f*** did you build this this is trippy by for the best covenant ship ever screw the corvette i'm selling that and replacing it with this great job on the asthetics i can just imagine a invasion map mabey even infection but still great map as always you seem to make it all better great job you should try a battleship next.
  10. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    I believe that in between the two Walkway cover tubes in the first pic, there is a very large hanger. Cool map, good use of Brace larges.
  11. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    This is an outstanding piece of work man. The fluidity of the design is highly noted. She's a very curvey lady haha! Excellent work, I was astounded by some of the screenshots. You always deliver with both a map, and a post. Really adds to the value of this site!
  12. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    IT's awesome indeed- by far the biggest object I have seen in forgeworld, and will be great for invasion. The front of the ship looks great, it's a lot of phasing though, does that affect framerate a lot?
  13. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks for feedback, as far as I'm aware it doesn't, none of the objects in head are z fighting or on same position, although the parts unseen are merged. The framerate problems are mainly the 1*5 s and walkway covers... I know they can be changed for brace large, but the sticking out part really causes internal problems. Although this is big I doubt it's as big as your covenant ship in workable area. The head kind of set the size and scale of ship. I really didn't want to forge round head out of blocks as the textures were all wrong but a better way would create more space inside ship.
    I did try a full size ship but the head needed 200 col walls and there is no space large enough on forge world to create. thanks

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks :)
    This was an interesting project and I enjoyed forging and researching this ship, curves were important on this project, I know head is slightly different but I couldn't change shape of head as parts would stick out of sides, so I made it more round than original, texture was also important and having things smooth. I do belive more can be done to improve this ship that I am working on. Great feedback... Thank you!
    #13 timmypanic, Oct 21, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
  14. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    Dude.. this is epic! When you showed me i was like ah wow, then i looked at the side by side comparison (i couldn't remember what the real ship looked like) and i was in awww. The detail in the work is astounding! You are by far the best forge artist out there! Great job man! AND ****ING FINISH EPITAPH!!!! sorry.. sorry.. nerd rage
  15. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks buddy! I did enjoy this forge, it is nice to get creative and forge different structures, this is my second ship I have published now. The ship was interesting to research and always good to expand my halo knowledge. I'd have loved to make this playable or more ship like inside but fr was so bad it was pointless to make it playable as it stands. I will try to re forge areas to improve in the near future.

    Epitaph should have been done ages ago. I will have to go measuring to finish as there isn't much to do. Thanks
  16. Draddition

    Draddition Forerunner

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    This is... pretty sick!! Just amazing work.

    My only note is that the nose looks a bit long. Could just be me.
  17. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks for the feedback. I'm not sure if it is that much different in size but there is a difference in shape. It was important to have this ship looking curvy, and texture was also important, I just done the best I could do with the objects provided. Thanks
  18. masterforge

    masterforge Ancient
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    Hey Timmy nice ship it was good to look at the ship in its early stages
    Keep up the great forging
  19. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks matty! Appreciate all your help and support! The ship took many stages before I got the final ship, but I have kept the other versions as I liked the different designs. Thanks
  20. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    ive got to say (all though i may get alot of flame) that the edges of the carrier need work

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