Hey Forgehub! It's been a while since I've posted a map here, so I am very happy to bring to you Electron! Electron takes place on a major beam emitter on Halo. I was greatly inspired by Frailty back in Halo 3. I personally think that was the best Sandbox big team battle map of all time. Again, it INSPIRED me. I didn't want to copy the map, so I used the inspiration for the base designs. Enjoy! Thanks for looking! This map will be posted in the near future.
I hate going through people's recent screenshots to see the map because they only put tiny, blurry pictures in the thread. Even more than I hate when said people use white text that doesn't show up on FH light.
I think pyro just about captured my response. Speechless. This looks very awesome. The forging is beautiful and clean. I really want to see how this turns out.
Thanks. I've been working on this for quite a while, and since I haven't posted a map in a while, I'd say that I'm wanting to post this to forgehub now that I've thought about it. I've gone from a bad forger to a decent forger.
This looks really nice and enjoyable and im very glad you took inspiration from forerunner design and aesthetics, they've remained to this day my favorite of all aesthetic concepts. Im glad to see that someone else has decided to try using ramps for new things as well, I've actually been discouraged from adding them at times just because it feels so different from what ive typically seen used in forerunner reach designs. So im happy to see that you've also thought of using them to make curving and angled structures seem cleaner. I am glad you built this as a btb priority map as well, and in the perfect place for the idea your going for, I must say I cant wait to see this map posted I think it will turn out really well and I hope it will make it into matchmaking after testing . I would love a closer look at some of your aesthetic's and the way you designed your structures, I never really see anyone go to the extreme you went here and I'd love to use some of your influence for the waterworks remake I am attempting. Keep up the great forging and if you need some testing help or just another forge friend hit me up GT: SilentRaine.
Love the forerunner-type structures. You did a great job on that. One thing I can see might be a problem is the incentive to go to the far sides of the map- My concern being, there is no incentive..You might want to make a few small bases on the sides. It looks light you MIGHT have something there, but your screenshots aren't catching it properly. I also can't tell how far the bases are from each other. Overall, this looks really creative. One thing you might want to keep in mind is that, there are tons of BTB maps out there, so you want to make yours stick out from all the rest. Try to do something never seen before and really give the map that wow factor that will give people a reason to download it. Good luck and great work.
My main goal for this map is to show everyone you can make a top-notch aesthetic map still with smooth gameplay. I've seen aesthetically pleasing maps, but they either lack complexity, weapon layouts, or have too much simple aesthetics to actually call it an aesthetic map. This map is what I'm hoping to call an aesthetic-competitive map. As for the inspiration, I've had very much lately with the release of Halo: anniversary campaign footage. Was that released last monday? Wow. Okay, so I got inspiration from that, the control room in Halo: 3, old forerunner maps like Construct, the towers in the Level 'The Covenant', the structures from the level 'The Ark', the citadel from Halo: 3, and many other forerunner themed maps throughout the entire series, so I pretty much used everything to my advantage. There are indeed two side bases with not much cover which I need to fix. To my surprise, more than 6 people on each team for this map is too many people. If I had to say how far each base was, takes maybe about 30 seconds to get from one base to the other on foot without any obstacles like rocks slowing you down. The main reasons I think people will download this is because of the fact I was implanting great aesthetics onto a competitive map, and the fact it brings back memories of Frailty...
Thats what I really like about the map from the pictures is that it has the aesthetic feel of actually being there, you dont really see the gray or the different items used on maps like this. And I fully understand trying to design with aesthetics=competiveness, some may say you should design purely for gameplay but in general I get bored on the themes most maps like that present. A map like this you actually want to explore the structures, and what advantages they offer, making a map like this stand apart from something like hemmorage, renegade, mt. lam lam, since you've created your own structures and strayed from using prefabs. In general I have alot of love for the feeling this map gives, and thats just from the pictures. And I agree theres so many inspirations in architecture for forerunner creations, in some ways Im very glad forge 2.0 focuses on the forerunner even if a few pieces from Halo CE are missing from the database you can still come up with a idea of what that piece is. Do you perhaps have a beta or sample of the map for viewing pleasure?
I'll get a link up and running tomorrow, but I don't want random people to download the map so I'll get a friend to hold it on his fileshare and I'll pm you the link to the dl page. I'd love it if you could get a couple games on it and tell me how the gameplay is. Just focus on 6v6 slayer and ctf if you could. It's always great to get opinions from other people other than my friends on xbox.
That would be great, I appreciate it . And yes I understand how you feel about randoms downloading it makes me afraid to post anything in my fileshare lately lol so definately understand. And will do it seems like it will do well with CTF especially and im sure by the time your finished with everything itll work just as well with 8 vs 8, it seems like we have a similiar style of forging and im proud of that. I must say this map gives you quite the reputation as a forger. I also enjoyed your previous map Invasion-Temple I got to play quite a few games on it recently, and have always wondered if your going to release a larger scale version in the future as it is a very beautiful map and a intense version of invasion. Thank you for the kindness its really appreciated, I've enjoyed my time on forgehub mostly because of the people like yourself who enjoy the game as much as I do.
Okay, got the link. I've prepared the map for Everything except for invasion, race, territories, and headhunter. Everything else SHOULD be ready to play.
Appreciate it bud , I just picked it up and am bout to take a look at it thanks much! Was the endgame plan to make the map compatible with 8vs8 after the final touches? I end up agreeing with your design on the platform style bases, I think yours is about as close as you can get without using just the simple platform XXL but then you lose the ability to add the door(Halo CE style) or any underground or aesthetic underneath, with just the XXL. So im trying to style similiar platform bases with the added rooms tonight but this map brings back so many good memories and shows me how ready I am for anniversary to release.
I love the forerunner look you have going for this map and i cant wait for its release so i can tell you where my group of minions broke it.
Okay. The map will be posted in the name of Oversight and will include every gametype except for Territories and Invasion. Race is built in, but not recommended. Territories is still being set up. Invasion is just not going to happen. I'm adding a path under the blue base that leads to the top so it's more symmetrical gameplay wise to the red base. Otherwise, keep a lookout for the map.