Power Plant

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lone Heretic, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Indeed, and you live in WA, as in western Australia? Cause if so that would be ver convenient, y'know for time purposes...
  2. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    I'll look into it when I get the time! If I ever get free time! Haha, sorry I haven't been able to get around to this map specifically. How about this, I'll give it a go with minor changes and add to my fileshare. That way you can DL it, see where I thought changes should be and then look at your variant and do what you will. Only because by the time you're off work, I'v got my hands full and I usually have about 1 to 2 free hours a day. It's normally around Noon my time, which is kinda crappy, but it's what I have.
  3. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    lol. actually WA stands for Washington state. Still if I had a gold account (currently I don't :( ) I would be open most of the time on the weekends after 5. not sure how that works with you time zone though.
  4. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Hey there, ah I see, ahwell I'm pretty busy this weekend but anyways, I got the spawns up today, thanks to Mr. Frisk it all went pretty smoothly, there currently isn't any support for objectives but I'll definitely add some eventually, updated variant is on my file share if you wanna test it out, my GT is AntacidJaguar.
  5. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    I actually had a question but since my mic started being **** I forgot to ask. I started a test run on some other minor changes as well as a bigger change. I'll show it to you for sure (just an idea. It's your map, so your call) but a bridge that runs underneath as well as an added outer ledge to the same side as the sword. Only because that's the natural flow of the map as well as the rocks. I'll show you. I saved it as Power Plant V1. I also wanted to explain the spawn zones a little better, but it sucks with a mic not working! I have an awesome spot (because I didnt get to see where you put blue team before I left) for blue spawn. I think it runs pretty nice with the under section. But again, it's your map, and I want to make sure you're down with any and all changes. The spawn zones/points are all fixed and I do want to make sure you understand how they work. Also how to place them correctly.

    Also, here is a link to his Heroic's fileshare. Just to make sure you get the right variant! (you didnt take out the old version)

    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
  6. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Nice I am glad to hear that Mr. frisk helped you out. :D
  7. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks Frisk, Oh crap, I forgot about the old version, I guess I figured it would update it but I guess not huh... Anyways sweet as, yeah I'd originally thought of something like that as well but I couldn't get ot to work out, if you have an idea though then please, go ahead, I'm always open, and yeah the spawns are not so great I don't think, any help with them is much appreciated, and I'm gonna take this opportunity to complain that only 3 people have made more than one comment onnthis damnable preview!
  8. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    I had to temporarily change the orange effect to something brighter so I can see what I'm doing under there. Only because it's so dark. I changed it to make sure I still have enough money to change it back to orange. I haven't finished the bridge and I actually need some better ideas because what I imagined in my head didn't play out too well. I'll snap some day light pics of it to give you an idea of what I mean until we're on next. This is just the idea, not the finished project. This is also my 4th or 5th attempt at and under project so far! Haha, but by far my favorite of them...I'll mess around with it and come up with something better. Definitely would help if my mic was working correctly! I remember when my brother's mic stopped working, we just called each other when we played and used speaker phone!

    Edited by merge:

    Here's an side shot of what we're dealing with here. It connects to that platform area you made with the Bunkers. It also has a central bridge and two man cannons to take you topside. As of now it is still incomplete (for example you can only get here form the platform) and needs work. But this is the basic idea of what I was thinking. I thought of maybe a coliseum wall? And add whatever to make it looks fancy, but most of what I would do with that (to keep the theme of the map going) is use natural peices, but they're all used up. So I thought go with an open type bridge and let the surroundings provide that natural look...

    I also extended the 1x1 tall & thins to the ground to provide a natural flow to what was sticking through the bottom of the map as well as provide a little cover. I was thinking of adding support beams (attenas probably) to hold up the center bridge, but who knows? The man cannons (far left) take you to either that ledge added to the outside of Red spawn or to another area I thought of to keep the flow of the map continuous. Also a must if this is added under here, a kill zone right underneath the bridges to keep people from leaving the map.

    Here's an idea of what the man cannons can be like. They're cannon light to keep you from flying too far and are at a 15 degree angle to get you up where you need to go. The area they're in isn't finished. I plan on adding an area to drop in on or maybe even a ramp of some sort to provide an alternate route up, instead of just one way in one way out. I'm not a fan of those sticky situations. But yeah, this is all just idea phase.

    On this bridge the rocks provided a nice cave like feel to it, which is nice, because I thought the whole under part should have it. Having just the one works out pretty nice though and keeps it from being too mirrored. Also, I don't like the 2x4, it's just temporary until I can figure out how the under part is going to be. Which is why I'm waiting till we're both online next.

    With those changes, it would provide this platform as a great spot for blue team to spawn. Personal opinion really. But just something to consider. I also think that 6v6 might be a little big, but a test play would let you know better when it's completed.

    One final picture. This is an area I mentioned earlier and was in the process of looking at when we realized my mic wasn't working! haha, but yeah. I was thinking of adding this or something similar to it to keep the map moving. It's located by the teleporter that takes you to the sword cave. It would wrap around the back of the map providing an alternative route for flanking or moving undetected, or just keep from having a dead end. This is also where one of the man cannons would launch you from underneath.

    Well, that's a lot to think about. And every area mentioned is still in need of improvement and approval. Just thought you'd like to see what I had in mind. I know I like a fresh perspective when working on maps. Definitely looking forward to getting back on here with you again.
    #28 mr frisk, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  9. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Ok, I mean, wow, that's amazing, that all looks really good, some of it is hard to place when out of context but it all looks pretty solid, I really like that cave feel on the second last pic as well, and that would be a good blue spawn cause it means they don't spawn so close to the sword and concussion rifle, the bit around the teleporter is a good idea, I'd wanted to do something there but I forgot, over all I cannot wait to go over this with you, I'd always wanted to do an under bit but I'd wanted to do it out of rock but then I ran out, I think it looks awesome, not so sure about those cannon man bits though, maybe just the pic but, and last but not least, I actually really like it with just Nezt Gen, that's what you used right? In any case, I'm psyched to go over this with you, peace out.
  10. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    Yeah, next gen effect to brighten it up, but only to work on it. I like the effects it gives the map with Orange. Also the coloring looks a lot better when it's orange. I feel you on the man cannon area as well. I went over it again last night, and it just seems out of place. I'ma hop online and see if you're on and we'll go from there.

    Edited by merge:

    I have a slight update to the underneath. I decided to work with bridge pieces instead of the brace larges. This allowed me more freedom to shape it as needed. I think it turned out pretty nice. But you tell me:

    The shape is almost circular. More of a stretched stop sign. I thought the 1x1 tall and thins would look nice as braces as well as provide a decent amount of cover. A railing system looked tacky so I flipped the bridges and it's just a flat surface to walk on instead.
    This picture is to give an idea of how much cover is provided without compromising walking space. In other words, you're not going to fall off the map just because you need to sprint for cover behind a column! No careful walking needed, just as long as you're not drunk! That's the only time you need to worry about staggering off the edge.
    Since the last attempt at the man cannon idea was an epic failure at the launch, I decided to rework it completely. I think it turned out rather nice. Definitely on the right track. It sends you up into the center of the map. You land almost on top of the concussion rifle.
    This final picture shows its location a little better. To give you an idea of where the man cannon sends you as well as the over all location of the under bridges. Over all it flows pretty smoothly with what's already on the map. I also tried to use similar items that where already on the map to keep it from being standoutish. It's coming along, just gotta wait for you to be online and free so we can go over some of the changes in a bit more detail and tweak things where you think it's needed.

    Edited by merge:

    Due to connectivity problems I'm going to just have to post this in my fileshare:

    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
    #30 mr frisk, Oct 24, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2011

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Really nice use of the Tempest space, the FX and Lights give it a completey different feel. Is that little EMP ray moving? I swear to God...
  12. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    I know what you mean about the different feel of this map. That's why I was so eager to hop in and help. I just hope I do this map the justice it deserves as well as the artist.
  13. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Sweet as, it looks good, I'll DL it right now, thanks again for all the help, never woulda made it this far if not for you, I like the cannon man now, maybe it's just me but that angle looks a little steep, guess I'll see in a sec when I DL it, anyway, I rather liked it with the large braces but this looks good too, plus, more manouverable which is always good, and wow, I had totally the wrong idea, I thought that this was under yellow, but I'd never thought of putting it there... Anyways I'll post more in depth once I've checked it out properly, peace out...

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks, haha, yeah that EMP ray gave me some trouble early on but you no longer get hit by it when you come up the lift, the only people who will hit it are A) masochists, B)Drunks, or C) really uncoordinated... Anyways, that was how I came upon the map, well, sort of, when I saw tempest for the first time I knew I had to have a map on it, then when I was on the bus and whatnot I would spend every spare moment forging it in my mind, it didn't turn out how I'd first hoped but I like this better than my original idea anyways...

    Aww, shucks guys, you'r gonna make me blush, seriously though, it feels good to have someone say that about my first real map, so yeah, thanks...

    Edited by merge:

    Alrighty, no pics as of yet but I changed what I thought needed changing and added some stuff to your V1, I added it to my file share, tell me what you think, I'll give you a basic rundown here but just so you get fitfully you should still take look for yourself.

    I added a sniper to the bottom on the middle catwalk, I don't know if that's a good choice and we can switch it out if need be, I just wanted something there to remind me to add some sort of incentive there, on the red side of the bottom, I raised those rocks that made it impossible to jump at the horizontal red catwalk, Iadded another grav lift going to that side walk on the red cliffs, I updated the path that goes around the purple top teleporter, added some rocks near the bottom, and changed some of the cover on the left side of purple top, take a look and tell me what you think, for anyone else reading this who want's to check it out the my GT is AntacidJaguar
    #33 Lone Heretic, Oct 25, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2011
  14. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    Sounds good. I'm glad you didn't just keep my changes. I'll give it a DL and look at it some time tomorrow. (since BF 3 servers aren't working). If you'd like I can add the pics for you?
  15. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Yeah sure, I'd do it but I have no skills with screen shots, they never come out the way I want... Yeah I liked what you did but I just wanted to change some things, and seeing as how much you helped me, I think we might as well just say we co-forged it, yeah I created it's basis and a large majority of it, but it would never have been this good without your help, so I'll go correct that on the front page.
  16. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    I'll update add some when I get the chance. Then whenever you're ready to put this in the non-preview forum you can just right click and copy image URL for the thread. And thank you for that.
  17. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Cool, thanks, and yeah no problem, anyways, it's quite close, it's just the bottom bit still, I'm not sure what the incentive should be, any ideas? Anyways, I'm pretty confident about releasing it, I just want your final opinion, after that, I'll tweak it, maybe add some neutral spawns down there, or not, idk...

    I'll upload my new next to final version to my file share so you can take a look.
    #37 Lone Heretic, Oct 26, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2011
  18. mr frisk

    mr frisk Forerunner

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    I'll give it a look today for sure. Also a test run in customs and see how it plays in slayer. That way i can get a better feel for it and figure what gametypes would be fun on here.
  19. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    Hey, sorry, I'm not sure if I uploaded it after I updated it, and if I didn't then it isn'tup yet because I haven't had a chance to do so since, still check, but it might not be the right one, I'll check it out soon and fix it if it needs fixing...

    EDIT: Hey there, sorry, some last changes, maybe more, idk, anyways, I was just WALKING around the map, no one else and it was quite patty in some places, so I attempted to fix it though my endeavors were unsuccesful for the most part, I'll make a clip of it and put it on my file share some time tonight, sorry for the delays, I just want my first map to go on a high note and I know a lot of people hate it when forgets don't test for lag before release, also I have to add game types and stuff...

    Edited by merge:

    UPDATE! Ok, my final version is up, I've renamed it Voltage and there are two versions, the VFX version, that is, with the orange visual effect, and the normal version which is, well, normal, though I believe it is better with the VFX, I leave that up to you lot to decide, now it is off to the testers guild just to make sure and after that it's off to the non preview section where it will hopefully be warmly welcomed!
    #39 Lone Heretic, Oct 29, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2011
  20. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    That is great! :D

    When shall it be present in the content here on forgehub?

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