Anyone have it where the items are all outside the map? I could use it, have no money left on the current map..
I have one where they are all inside the map but one with them outside would prove a it more useful for my current plans.
if you have, then here is a link to download it from there...
Money glitch maps for each and every one are posted here somewhere, just finding one where the stuff is outside is the hard part.
Sweet man cheers. a tip for those less experienced with money glitch, once you spawn a second of something, you can delete the original. As long as at least one of that item remains on the map. Also if you make the Max amount of any item, if you delete any of that item you will not be able to get it back.
Pretty simple really. See my above post. Hard to do and keep track of things though so takes a bit of concentration, but if your map is to e any good you should be concentrating on it anyway lol.
I really don't think that using the money glitch with the items outside is a good idea. Because when you need that last initial item to finish your map, you can't use it because it's outside the map and you can't spawn it back inside.
If you end up needing all of the items, stop spawning them when you are one down from maximum. (as in if you have 15 walls, 14 inside and one outside) then go outside and delete the one out there so now you have 14 walls all on the inside and you can place two more. Simpler way to do it is, when you place the first of an item on your map where it is going to be from that point on, go ahead and delete the one outside. You only need to have a minimum of one of each item on the map, so once you have a spare you can delete the original one.
I have a map with the items outside. Instead of searching infinite, use the infinite sign. The name is (infinite sign)money