You may know me as Chief. You may know me as that guy. You may also know me as the guy who has a hatred for those who spend considerable amounts of time in custom games playing badly forged, stupid mini game maps. But very soon i am going to do something you never expected. I am going to make a minigame map series based on the video game series, Portal. These maps will use concussion rifles as portal guns and you will place portals by shooting a landmine at the correct teleporter. Many other elements will be thrown in and each map will consist of one chamber. Each chamber will focus on one element and i suggest that you begin with the first map and work your way through the others. Grid floors will represent electric fields which will reward you with instant death upon touch. I have pictures coming soon straight from the maps. Until then, i look forward to creating this series. EDIT: I can now present the names of the first two chambers. Number 1 is called "Basic Portal Mechanisms" and number 2 is called "Mass and Velocity". I look forward to releasing these maps and if people want them, then i will make more maps. EDIT: The following pictures are taken from chamber 1. Enjoy!
SO i guess youre not quitting? hehe. Well I am assuming you are going to use the Haloball gametype for this, otherwise would you explain how you will use the landmines and concussion rifles for portals? If executed well, this could be awesome.
I have used King Of The Hill for this. I have also made it so that the players movements settings are similar to that of portal. I made the maps already but i'm just letting people know about it before i actually post the maps.
I know about that video series. They did good work and i'm not quite sure how they did it. But i just want to make these Portal maps because its fun and it lets me explore new ways of using forge mechanics.
That's fake, though. The author of the video admitted that everything he did there was video editing and incredible timing, that's about it. If Epic has somehow managed to get this to work in game, then it's going to be a huge success. That's saying if he's actually managed to get it working, and it's not some amazingly gimmicky and difficult to pull off maneuver.
It really isn't hard to make at all. Sure some of the aspects might be difficult like cube mechanics but all i do is use landmines and teleporters for the portals. Just to say that i haven't got how to make cube mechanics yet but i hope that i can.
Im not going to tell anyone. That is actually quite contradictory since i already told you enough. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Im taking some pictures of the maps now, guys.
I believe I could make you a video for this. I just found an immense piece of music made for a puzzle map like this
There would be 2 ways spread along the map and a landmine wouldn't let you go through the teleporter until you blow it up with the concussion Rifle. How hard is that? Each room would only use one channel, like room one would use only Alpha channels. room 2 would only use Bravo channels.
That would be amazing! Could you PM me with the link to the music? Depending on the length of the music piece i may need to create more maps in the series to fit it all in. Finally someone figured it out! That is exactly how i did it.