
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Iv0rY Snak3, May 17, 2008.

  1. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Download Link: Here
    Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, One-Flag
    Recommended Party Size: 4-8 Players

    Deviation is a medium-sized asymmetrical map, it has many original features such as new uses for stairs, and very exact merging. there are many purely aesthetic attributes such as the teleporter lights and the multiple white and purple power-ups. A huge amount of thanks goes to Furious D 18 for allowing me to use his exacted build canvas, which saved me a huge amount of time because i used the big curved platform at one end of the map. everything else i forged myself

    the Layout:
    the layout of the map allows for long sight lines, that have less advantage than they would in other maps, and very strange and original structures that allow for new and unique gameplay (hopefully).
    starting from the defenders base the layout is:
    The Big-Curve: this is the defenders base, it is Based on the huge curve from Exacted. i have built up walls on either side and added a roof made of double boxes. the weapons here are: two spikers on the curve itself along with a carbine, beneath the curve is a rocket launcher with 150 sec respawn time, and two plasma rifles on the platforms that allow you up onto the curve. you can also access the top platform via a small walkway on the hall side of the curve, this leads you up and around the side of the left wall and onto the platform.
    The Little Curve: to one side of the big curve is the little curve, it is made out of single boxes with crossed stairs at the back and a wall platform on the front, which holds an incendiary grenade, there is carbine inside it, and on top is a mauler. to access the inside you jump on the interlocked wall and then onto the curve itself, then just drop down
    into the inside of the curve. to get out you jumped on the middle of the crossed stairs then back onto the curve and out.
    The Halls: to the other side of the big curve is "the halls". it is two open double boxes geomerged into the ground slightly (to avoid bumps) and then interlocked so that they are halfway inside each other that creates three "halls". inside the central hall is an SMG and an incendiary grenade, and on the top is a bubble shield.
    The Merged Stairs: in front of the little curve is a staircase merged in the ground to make a small pyramid-esque feature, inside is a white power up which cannot be reached, there is a BR leaning on the staircase, but mainly this is just an aesthetic feature.
    The Ruined Building: towards the centre of the map is a building, at the attackers end is a ramp made out of a geomerged bridge leading up to the second floor, and on the left side is a merged box allowing you to jump up on to the second floor, and on the right side is a dumpster that works much the same way. to access the bottom there are three openings along with a hole in the top floor allowing you to drop down into the room. on one side of the building is a pair of diagonal walls that are interlocked so that they form a triangle on each side of the floor. inside the room is a pair of SMG's and a couple of spike nades, and on top is the sniper spawn.
    The Ramp: on the other side of the map from the building is a ramp, it leads up to a perch from which you can see the majority of the map, beneath it is the "support box" which is a geomerged box with a purple power up and teleporter nodes around it to act as another of the purely aesthetic features of the map.
    The "Mound": the mound is the most central structure of the map, it consists of a series of merged boxes and interlocked walls that create a new and original shape, on this mound is a carbine, two spike nades, and two spikers. the actual structure itself is quite hard to describe so just look at the pics.
    The Bridge Platform: in the corner opposite the little curve is the bridge platform, it is basically 3 bridges that are interlocked, with a merged box in in corner, and a corner wall surrounding the other. on the platform is a carbine and a shotgun, and beneath is another incendiary grenade.
    The Stairway: (inspired by Brute Captains TX Tumbleweed) in the final corner of the map is the "stairway" it is a series of merged single and double boxes that increase in height. on the top is a BR and on the bottom step is a mauler. behind the stairway is used for spawning although there is a pair of plasma rifles there as well.
    in one flag games you are able to make a jump from the top step to the capture point.
    The Tower: the final major feature of the map is "the tower" it is a set of stairs merged with the wall vertically, with a bridge interlocked near the top. you can reach the top platform via the top of the staircase, or by going up either of the grav lifts on the sides of the stairs. on the platform is the regenerator spawn and in one flag games it is the capture point.





    The tower (left) The mound (closest) and the staircase (furthest)


    the little curve and merged staircase


    view from the little curve


    the crossed stairs in the little curve, you jump in the centre of them and then on to the curve to get out


    back of the big curve


    the ruined building and the big curve in the background


    the halls and the walkway up on to the curve


    the front of the big curve


    the ramp


    the mound


    defending the curve


    making the jump from the staircase.

    thanks to everyone who helped test or inspired me in some way, i hope you enjoy this map.
    there is no way out of this map but there is a way to exploit some of the default features.

    -The Snak3

    #1 Iv0rY Snak3, May 17, 2008
    Last edited: May 17, 2008
  2. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Ah. First post.
    Glad to see you are finished with this
    map. Hope to play on this with you
    soon. Looks intense
  3. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I am really liking what I am seeing. The interlocking, fabulous, the merging, fabtacular. This maybe the ultimate fusion of Exacted/Kentucky Tango/Tumbleweed Tx ever, can't wait to sink my teeth into this...
  4. camel assassyn

    camel assassyn Ancient
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    it is good prety cool
  5. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    how do you get the purple asnd white powerups? do you mix the different powerups?
  6. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    purple power up = camo+overshield
    white power up = camo+Custom power up+OS

    and thanks brute, i dunno about the ultimate, but i think it comes relatively close. but that's probably cause i spent sooooo long making it (3 weeks).
  7. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    Thanks, i had seen this before, but just thought to ask now.
  8. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    I sense a featured map coming. this map looks excellent. this has gotta be the cleanest interlocking I have seen yet. excellent job, perfectly made. Bravo!
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    then i would has premiumz, that would make me teh happyz
    but thanks everyone, it's only been up for like 10 minutes and i already have great feedback.
  10. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    This looks amazing, once again, you put out an amazing map. I really like the big curve, that and all the geo glitching add up to be an amazing map. 5/5
  11. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    IVORY i told u to test it when we had a chance but now my box is broken and i cant do it.

    Good map.Great merging aesthetics and inter.I didnt enjoy testing cuz i never got the chance.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    When I saw the WIP I thought it was too random and lacking a theme, unfortunately I still standby that claim. Otherwise the map was executed perfectly.
  13. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    So this has been your little project! The pictures make it look like it's been worth the wait though, great job with this one Ivory! I'm especially loving your little stair criss-cross action that's going on, but tell me - are you supposed to climb up those, like in Machu-Picchu?

    I'll be back with a more in-depth review later, recommending this to the Review Hub.
    #13 Mysterious D, May 17, 2008
    Last edited: May 17, 2008
  14. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Wow, this looks good.

    But, Brute, I don't see how this is really similar to anything but Exacted. I don't really like that it looks so similar though, I would have liked a more original map a lot more. Queued though.
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Yea, the red guy with the bubble head and sword and most often holding the rocket launcher is me.

    This is a very fun map mate. BTW did you fix the instant respawn on the bubble shield?
  16. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Sorry for being harsh, but that was kinda dumb. There are two structures that look like they were taken right out of exacted. The spiral flat platform and the little wall platform with a hole in the middle. Go look at Exacted then at this map before you say that again. It looks VERY similar in several aspects.
  17. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    meh I find it mediocre at best jk
  18. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    I typed to fast and didn't read what I was typing. I meant that I don't see how it's similar to Kentucky Tango or Tumbleweed. This looks very similar to Exacted though, probably because of the curved platforms, like you said. Also, it's just with the little flower thing, and many of the other pieces of aesthetics, and things, it's in very much the same style. It looks like it'll probably play better though, rather being as focused on aesthetics as Exacted was.
  19. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Both of you, there was a piece taken from Exacted, but it was taken with his permission. It shouldn't take away from the map that a piece of one good map was taken from another.

    Ivory, you should probably credit Furious, so there's no more confusion.
  20. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    he did in his OP

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