Not really. o_o" Basically, it's about this 13 year old kid who was raised by his 4 sisters and his mom. He's the biggest ***** in the world because of it. Anyways, on his 13th birthday, his sisters and mom take him to a Gayer Build-A-Bear, called Build-A-Bloopie. Well, he goes on this giant rant about his life and accidentally makes a Bloopie which he names Crash. Well, Crash comes to life (I believe it turns human, not sure though) and teaches the kid how to grow a pair. Camo: Idk, you tell me: Spoiler
You look disney channel star enough. Did you already get the part or are you still waiting? If you do get the part, please introduce me to any of the leading girls on the other shows.
I've got a callback tomorrow, and if they like me (again) they'll call me back in and I'll get to do an audition for the Producers. Should they like me, I believe I'll get the part.