Okay everyone, I have a surprise coming for you all: ODST Invasion! Set as normal invasion (not sure of objectives yet), the major difference is that you start from 63.5 units in the sky, and drop in 6 seconds to hit the Island. So far, there are 6 functional HEV's (pods), and two UH-144's (falcons). I also have a small LZ built for two of the pods that would otherwise fling you into the ocean, I don't know if I'll do that for all the pods. Onto the help portion of this preview, I need an experienced Invasion forger, preferably with a mic, to assist me in building the map. I have little experience, so I would ruin the idea for everyone. If you want to help, add me on XBL: zack2014 Anyways, onto the ACTION SHOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
i noticed your drop pods aren't fully merged. if you want help with them, check out Rifte Gifle's tutorial at just a way to improve your map. EDIT: or have the video somehow pop up in my comment.
They're not supposed to be fully phased, I had them there originally, but with the extreme fall, they would break up about halfway down, so I had to create a new method to keep them together, hence the overshields as well.
oh, i did not understand why the oversheilds were placed so oddly, i assumed they were aesthetic. any outside of the ship pictures? And i don't know how, but somehow try to make the falcon bay look more bay-ish. not just a room with no walls. And any other rooms?
Unfortunately, it's not a full ship, at least not at the moment, as of now, it is the drop room and the bay, which does have walls, in a way, there are two Walkway XL's in the upper portion.
Youe map reminds me of the one im working on, but mine is only stuff from Odst, not actually Odst. Im not saying the Bay is bad. It is acutally unique with the use of the walkways. i just suggest adding some sort of opened door peice, or just some aesthetic device like a antannae like some people use. And you said you found a way to survive drops? is that the oversheilds? wouldn't that give them an advantage when they hit the ground with 2x sheilds? the fall doesnt take all of the sheild away I think. AND what if the person doesn't want a Dmr? what if he has a shotgun and rocket launcher? And if youre planning on making this invasion, i suggest not using the 3x3 for the base of the drop. let the people hit the ground. I think im being too critical... Any specific type of ship design?
I'll take a look into the bay, but it's not meant to be lingered in for more than a few seconds. Yes, the overshield takes most of the damage from the fall No, it does not give an advantage, the fall is literally from the top of FW to the bottom, so there are extreme forces involved. There isn't a way to have Rockets and Shotty in P1, because you only can spawn with an AR & Magnum, or just a Magnum. It's a 2x2, and it's a necessary evil, since the island isn't flat, the fall would fling the operator into the ocean, and I haven't thought of a ship design really, it's more just a staging area before getting into the fight, but I may expand on the design.
I didn't literally mean rockets and shotty, i just meant two weapons other than the Dmr ( which turns out is actually an Ar). And you should build a ship. It doesn't have to be the most amazing one ever, just at least good enough to keep the mood of the game, which is Odst. so not just a big box like ive seen some people have. And if you do not want to, you don't need to add to the bay. It depends on how large your map is, so just forget what I said.
I would love to continue the ship, but it a) shouldn't be the focal point and b) would take up lots of budget I would rather spend on the ground.
dont use too much for the ship. But it doesnt take much, just some creative using of incline peices, and a few blocks You don't have to make all of the ship. just the side people actually see. And what? if the landing pad is 2 2x2's, why not just use a 4x4 or a 2x4?
you should make the odst drop down on or next to a base, like the one in Halo 3 odst, the level Lost platoon. Some type of spinoff maybe. This doesn't have to be at the start, but somewhere, maybe they can recapture it? then they can have vehicles and guns there
I'm honestly hopeful that we will get the ability to turn fall damage off once the Title update and anniversary release, this would delete the need for the ship and landing pads allowing you to save more pieces and focus on just the invasion part of it. This is a good idea and if done right it can go a long way, I would simply focus on creating a brillant map idea focusing on the invasion, ground fight,. I wouldnt worry so much about the ship for now .