Remake Chiron V2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by yomilo, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    VERSION 3 Of this map will be updated soon, changing the weapons for the original weaponset of halo CE, Fixing some aesthetic to make it more friendly, and following some corrections to my map, made by Oltranzista.

    Make sure you pay a visit to his version of Chiron TL-34 by clicking HERE. :) Be sure to give us some feedback so we can make the map more enjoyable to you.

    Everyone remembers the map from Halo Combat Evolved named Chiron Tl-34

    A Map with multiple teleporters that lead to unexpected situations in narrow places filled with people ready to kill you...

    Probably the best way to play this map was shotgun slayer, or slayer with no shields FFA.

    However, no one has been able to replicate this map completely due the lack of teleporters... (see Image)

    But this problem has been solved. No, we did not get extra teleporters...
    Instead of using a teleporter in each room, I rotated each room 90 Degrees, connecting the rooms and separating them by a shield wall.

    However, teleporters were not eliminated... They were used to connect otherwise impossible to put side by side rooms.

    This is how the map looks like now, after the logistic was made. Please feel free to compare it to the original.


    Every room from Chiron was replicated. The aesthetics are not the best, but the gameplay similarity certainly is.
    If you want to play the most accurate Chiron so far, download from here.

    Shotgun! D:





    OMG!! the rocket is on the same spooot!! xD


    With stairs D:
    #1 yomilo, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
  2. Jflood

    Jflood Forerunner

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    this looks really good. I loved this map originally but because of the not enough teleporters I thought i wouldn't see this in a modern version. I will give it a download. Well done
  3. Platinum

    Platinum Forerunner

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    I just wish they'd give us more -blam- teleporters. But this looks like a great remake, I'll run it tonight and see how it feels.
  4. oltranzista

    oltranzista Ancient
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    Ok, since you asked me to download your map and post about it I will. :)

    Here is an image of what I used when making my remake (blue lines are where I used teleporters).


    • On your remake, room 7 and 5 seem smaller than the original.
    • Room 8 seems wider and shorter from the ground level and the ledges (this was a hard one for me to remake btw).
    • Room 2 is missing the all important column with the horizontal slit to shoot through.
    • I appreciate that you remembered to add the slant/ditch on the hall that connects room 1 and room 5. I left out the ditch from the hall on my remake in order to use the floor on the coliseum and save money and avoid performance issues with using a whole bunch of objects.
    • Room 3 is all about the slits in the corner walls to shoot through, I'm disappointed that you used the glass cover instead. :(
    One of my pet peeves is when people use the stunt ramp (or whatever that ramp is called with the bright neon blue stripes) for walls. It's just a personal thing I suppose and I figure you had to use them when you ran out of other objects.

    The way you connected rooms with shield doors combined with a corner was pretty clever. That should keep it a surprise when going from room to room like the original chiron. One drawback I see is that it could make this already confusing map even more confusing with the added twists and turns.
  5. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    Hey Man, thanks for the feedback, I really appreciated it. Actually The other day I was modifying my chiron to have the original weapons and stuff, and while I was in room 2, I noticed I was missing that column, I added it already, but I haven't changed it on my fileshare.

    Regarding Room 3, I promise I will fix it :) I was totally run out of pieces and budget, but on the last edit I made to the map, I economized some budget by using squred blocks intead of flats in the corridors that connects rooms...

    Regarding room 7 and 5, I was timing how long it took walking from one corner to the other in both CE and Reach, it was mostly the same, the only different is that in reach they walk a little bit slower, maybe that is why it is a bit bigger.

    You know which ones I felt huge... 1 and 4. I fixed it last time i was forging, but as I told you, I will update it later.

    Yeah, room 8 is a bit wider in order to make the incline work, sorry :(

    It tell you man, we should forge together... and thanks for the constructivism critique...

    I will Pm you when I change it to V3... It will have the original weapons instead of reach...

    Only one question... I have HALO CE Custom Edition, and there is a flamethrower in some places...

    Room 2 and 8 as I can remember, do you know the Xbox weapons in those places?
  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    I love close range maps, and chiron is a great place for me to play at my best. Some of the rooms are looking larger but as each room isn't that big its not too noticable. I do belive you should be able to grab the rockets from below in original, but in your version they are further back.
  7. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    At last! A remake that doesn't suck, and feels like good ol chiron! I can see this map being very hard to forge, and I applaud you a good job. Simply amazing, I'll get back with gameplay feed back.
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Remaking the second-worst map in the entire main Halo franchise isn't exactly a good idea. I honestly can't remember a single good time I had on this map. It's that bad. Sorry, but I won't be downloading this. Even if you got it to perfectly replicate the original, it still wouldn't play well. Not a fan of the fact that you used a Wall as a bridge, either.

    ANEVILSPAR7AN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice trolling.

    Onto the map, it seems to be accurate, but I think you should've forged with classic slayer in mind, that includes the 120 speed and 125 jump height, otherwise pretty good.
  10. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    So because I am not saying the map is perfect, I am obviously trolling? Nice logic. Still, I stand by my point.

    ANEVILSPAR7AN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You didn't give any positive feedback, or ways to make the map better, by just saying he remade a map you think is bad is a fail, then that is considered trolling.
  12. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ^ this.

    I really loved this map and im glad to see a really good remake. Ill give it a DL. Kudos
  13. ZombieGuineaPig

    ZombieGuineaPig Forerunner

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    Sorry 4shot, but I have seen quite a few posts of yours and I must say you are probably the most opinionated person online and I often don't agree with those opinions.

    Anyways onto the map, Chiron was one of my favorite maps in Halo 1. I loved having shotgun wars in the tight spaces and not knowing what to expect. I also loved quickly racing through the rooms and tricking people with the portals and bouncing grenades around walls and stuff. Great remake. Awesome job.

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