I had an idea for the ultimate battle between blue team and red team, i am just not sure if it will work. i was thinking of the whole map to be A large territorty but you have a long respawn time so that they will not always be on the terriroty , i was thinking that it'll last quite long but i'm not sure if it will last forever, unless that the territory fills everywere but the respawn points, any ideas
If you could explain in more detail, I could understand it and help you with it. From what you've said, it just sounds like Conquest with long respawn times. Not very epic, just very drawn out.
I think he means the entire map being one territory. And all teams (if someone decides to make more than two) constantly fight for control of it. And the long respawns so that you can wipe out an entire team to allow yourself time to capture it. Could be fun, if you get the respawn time just right. You would have to work well with your team to take down the other team in a way so that all members die at nearly the same time. Basically a far more tactical team slayer.
it wont work unless one team can whipe out the others, then spawn kill them in a split second before the territory goes neutral idk
You could put synchro spawning on. The ideas reasonable, but it just sounds like defending against waves.
A promblem I see is that , for example, a Blue team can take out the entire red team and then take the territory. But then as the red team respawns the blue teams kill each red person again immediatly. The team who controls the hill first will be dominant for a WHILE! Think about that before you make it. Just like the official y35 said.
im just trying to work out the bits and bobs fo rnow, you can help once i've got the main template of it
If you make it so that getting kills decreases your team's respawn timer, but increases your enemy's it might work very well, but only if combined with synchronised spawning.