Hello again and welcome to my newest map called Zetec. Zetec is a map inspired by Mid-Ship and Heretic but i wanted it to play with a smaller amount of people. This map is a 2v2 map but can play 4v4 if you want. With 2v2 the gameplay is at a much more steady pace compared with 4v4 if you want a game all hectic get a 4v4 map on this map and you will enjoy it. I haven't set many gametypes for this map because it is such a fast moving map you can get to the other side within seconds. You use to be able to evade roll across the whole map but now you can't. I wanted to create something different with this map so I added evade as a pick up. And the map gameplay changes drastically surprisingly the map feels like it was built for it it wasn't except for in the one drop down area which only evade and jetpack can get up it. The weapons: Dmr's x4 Assault Rifles x2 Needler Rifles x2 Plasma Repeaters x2 Evade x2 75 seconds respawn Rockets x1 180 seconds respawn Sword x1 180 seconds respawn Pistols x2 Plasma Pistols x2 Plasma Grenades x4 Frag Grenades x4 The weapons are balanced for the map none are over powering. But you only know that if you play the map. Here is a walk through of the map: [bungievid]24241479[/bungievid] Now onto the pictures. Drop down and you can evade up it. Lift exit Picture of the stairs at the back of the bases Bottom of bases Lifts are coloured coded Middle of map And here are some extra I would like to thank The Forging Assembly for taking a look at the map, I would like to thank the Testers Guild For taking a look at the map and here are some of the testers. Stealthy Link o0 darkfire 0o iiM Stevo Oo iRoNy oO ConfuseFlamingo ChronoTempest AtlasisShruggin MythicFritz TOMisHigh Paulx42 And the people who I forgot to add if I forgot someone say and I'll add you Thanks for taking a look
Like the use of inclines and also like the sword spawn. You gave players lots of choice, which is great to see (pro choice lol) another good feature was the lift which is rarely used. Good use of objects in general, just wish the lift wasn't so out of place without it affecting gameplay.
Thank you with the grav lift it turned into quite a pain i needed a quick way up and i couldn't make it work any other way but it works at the end of the day and it only lands on a certain area. Thanks for looking
Now I don't know how exactly you want this to play, but I am a firm believer that any map, on any gametype, on any game should encourage constant movement. What you have here is two bases with a downward slope to connect the sides. What this means, is that as soon as a player spawns they are on the most advantageous spot on the map, which encourages each team to stay in their base and fire across the map, creating standoffs. I know that you have equipment on the sides to encourage movement, but as soon as a player grabs it, they will most likely turn around and hold down their base. I know that top mid is the highest point of the map, but it is so exposed and small that the player would become a sitting duck for the opposing team. So I would suggest giving each team more incentive to move by making the sides power positions and more cover in the center to promote team pushing and to give players more options to traverse the map.
Thanks for the advice but for this map you are wrong the flow of the map keeps you moving around the map the main aim for the map is to keep the player slaying and it does during testing you are always moving no stoping because there is plenty of ways to the top of the bases there is 6 ways up into the base the players find it hard to keep the enemy out. Thanks for the advice though but the map flows well you will have to test the map out.
I hope that you realize that gameplay differs depending on the players style. You may have been lucky enough to get a lobby full of people who want to play the map right, but there is also a large amount of player who will find a map's weakness and exploit it. Believe me, I realize that there is multiple ways into each base, but due to the figure 8 shape of the map, you have to cross the center which has minimal cover. If you do not want power positions on the sides, at least make hallways on each side to make it harder to defend the bases.
I agree that people have different playing styles and i might have been lucky in testing with players. But you are wrong with the centre. You do not need to cross the middle because the map has sides you can cross they push you towards the middle a little. Maybe one thing you are forgetting is that this is a 2v2 map and if i add cover to the middle the Sword will become over powered. I know i am defending my map anyone would defend there map but i have to disagree with what you are saying about the middle. The middle isn't an area where people go the fighting moves from base to base. And the map you can get from one side to the other within 2 evade rolls so the map is small enough. I just want to point out something though with a few images Yes there is a figure of 8 in the map But that route is hardly used these are the most common routes I will look into adding more ways to the map now but that middle is meant to be an area where you don't want to be there long for.
When I described the map as a figure 8, I meant that the routes all have to cross the central area, it wasn't referring to flow. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that this was a 2v2. Should have read the description. Defending your map is okay, as long as you let the criticism enter your head and decide if it's logical or not.
After a quick walk-through, this map looks interesting. I love how you constructed the center, not sure if I have seen that before. Both of your power weapons have high risk and high rewards which is great. Also, your forging in general is very clean. All of these things add up to making a good map. I would say the two things that I dislike, would be your starting positions/base, and the lifts. I am inclined to agree with xzample on the nature of the bases. You are in fact starting out in the best place on the map. From your base window you have visual access to all the routes leading into your base. Therefore, this can lead to very predictable player movement. To fix this I would either take his advice and make the control points on the side, or extend the sides out a bit. Also, may I ask why you used vehicle cannons to shoot you such a short distance? Using them seems very unnecessary, and overall awkward. Hitting the ceiling so fast makes for a very choppy and awkward transition that could be avoided. In fact, you could just nix the lift all together and make it a ladder; which would be a more silent way to the top. Anyways, just food for thought. Overall, this seems to be a pretty fun 2v2 map, and would love to get a game on it.
I will look into your suggestions. I might extend the sides or change the shape of the cylinders to make it wider. Thanks for taking a look with the spawns i will look into it but this map is inspired from heretic. If i were to extend the sides that might help with the map but i got hardly any budget left. That grav lift will always haunt me, i really should stop using them. The reason i used that particular man cannon was because i never changed it and i am thinking of trying something else which might work thanks for the suggestions though.