On youtube, whenever a person who regularly posts minecraft videos decides to post a real life video, there is always a top rated comment that is basically. "what texture pack is this?" EVERY ****ING TIME
Dungeons are MASSIVE. Spent at least 20 minutes searching for an end portal... Almost shat my pants when I saw what I thought was blooding dripping from teh ceiling: Spoiler Is this new? This was the first time I've seen this (it's from lava above the blocks)
its relatively new, but not new to this 1.9 pre-release. Honestly looks great for building atmosphere in there. exactly how far up is the lava? is it just 1 block up?
It was put in PR3 I believe. And yeah, water and lava need to be on the otherside of the block. I was under the impression it only happened with blocks that would be porous in real life, like dirt, gravel sand, etc. Not stone.
No, more like THIS giant Mind you, all that you can see in that last picture? yeah, thats only 1/4th of the whole room, the rest isn't even loaded.
I'd guess around december. The full game's being released on stage at Minecon, which is November, so I'd say a little after that. Could be late November if we're lucky.
Yep and if I had mods that made doing the work easy then I would probably be able to do a room that size and that fast too.
Only mod I have on that helps me do it is the Fly mod. Toomanyitems is nice, but it only supplies me with building material, it doesnt expedite the building process.
It does however give you tools. Unbreakable tools. Therefor you do not have to stop mining to earn waffles to buy more diamonds with which to make more tools.
I don't like minecraft's caves as much as I did pre 1.8 Mainly because of the abandoned mineshafts obliterating everything... HATE.