Steal someones boat there's a lot around, Then somehow plan how to blow up the bridge with the petrol station next to it, Then block off the one other road with a impenetrable by zombies wall the road leads out in the forest so not expecting much zombie traffic from there for while so there should be time to build the wall, Have few supermarkets,clothes store,banks to bribe people(if money still has value),electronic store, pretty much everything i would need to survive . So if zombies can't swim and I can build a impenetrable wall and farm food I can last forever. and with boats and gas stations I can search the coast line for alive people. If I'm the last human alive then I catch a female zombies and try to procreate humans. (it's either that or suicide)
My neighbors are Mormon. Mormon families have secret pantries filled to the brim with non-perishable foods.
going to a rural area or wide open space with a large amount of food and munitions is always your best option.
Tourism is the key to spreading everything. Damn tourists. Zombies transfer the virus like any other virus, Fluids. Sex = ***** rot.
Even though this unfortunately can't happen, it's the best plan that's been posted in here. The correct response to this question all depends on our type of zombie. As this is a hypothetical 'what if?', we need to establish standards. Are we talking about hollywood, fast moving zombies/mutants like Resident Evil, the 'Left 4 Dead' style zombies, or 'The Zombie Survival Guide' style zombies (which in my opinion is the most likely to occur if this ever happens.) If you haven't read 'World War Z' or 'The Zombie Survival Guide', I suggest you read them in that order. They are written by Max Brooks. For my response, let's assume the Zombie Survival Guide style Zombie: slow, unintelligent, can't maneuver very well thus making stairs, ladders, steep inclines difficult, freeze solid at low temperatures, can survive underwater at any depth, etc. A large 'apocalypse' style outbreak would last probably 7-10 years if it is the first outbreak to happen in history because the world's bureaucracy would not know how to respond. (Except for the University of Florida, they have a Zombie Contingency plan. See here for link. Google it to find more. At the present moment, I live in Wyoming. In the city I live in there are around 30,000 people during the school year. The winter's here are intensely cold and harsh and last from November to April. The next largest city is an hour away through the mountains. If the original point of outbreak was located and this event was well publicized, it would be possible for this city to quarantine itself rather quickly and easily, the only issue with that is we depend largely on outside help for food. We have hundreds of ranches within the area, but one cannot live on meat alone (unless you're a zombie). This farmland, in the spring and summer could easily be converted into crops and could probably sustain the population during those months, but during the winter we'd be royally screwed. The National Guard has a very large armory in this city consisting of many vehicles, weapons and support equipment, it would not be difficult to defend this city from a hoard of zombies if they managed to work there way over the mountains to this place, especially if we pulled back to the campus in the middle of the city. An extended zombie siege is an unlikely scenario where I am at unless the outbreak initially started here, or we were caught unawares that an outbreak had occurred and the infection had spread here before we knew about it. In the event of an extended siege, I and a small group of my friends would either flee the city and head south towards Colorado, avoiding all major metropolitan areas until we reached southern Colorado where the winters are not very bad (the zombies would not freeze) but it's vast and there are lots of small towns thus easily defensible. Or we would hold out on campus in one of the buildings, locking down the other portions of the building until we absolutely needed to leave for supplies. This latter scenario would be a last ditch effort if we could not flee the city due to an extreme infection rate, because the survivability of a siege in a location such as here is very low. If it ever came to that we would have to wait until winter and most of them froze before we could flee. That's my response. Believe me, I've thought this out a The mythos and lore of Zombies has intrigued me for a long time, even though the likelihood of this event ever occurring is extremely low, if not impossible.
There's billions of types of zombies but if these are the zombies that rot your ***** then guess the choice is easy.
omg good plan for you, my states capital is an hour head into the city and get to the top of the tallest building with a parachute just incase i need a way down .
Its not zombies that really **** people over, Its always the people carrying the virus though. The ones that are bit and drive to look for safety and try to hide their ****, so if your town doesn't have the military all in their HAZMAT suits, searching everyone's ******, then your basically ****ed.
Hmm. I've done some consideration of my own on this subject: First we have to look at what types of zombies these are. If they're slow and easily kill-able, holding down a small town here in America might work. Luckily, I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, right next to one of the biggest military laboratories in the nation, where both of my parents work. The base also houses a massive airport, plenty of land (All of which is bordered by large, electric, security-access-only fences), and a massive bunker built into a mountain, which is normally used for storage. This would be the place to go. We have massive stockpiles of weapons, military protection, and I'm already granted access. Worst comes to worst, the large underground bunker is stockpiled with non-perishable foods, and everyone holds out there.
Now that I think about Houston is probably one of the worst places to be second to San Francisco, and NYC. On one hand almost everyone has a few firearms, but there are enough people they could probably make a ramp of bodies to some of the tallest buildings here. Rorak, you seem to have the best chance here, second so anyone in the navy. I feel like the minimal target approach is better than the maximum defense approach though. Edit: why so ninja, tedium. Maybe I should refresh pages more often. You said almost everything I was thinking.
I am going to kill every dead thing that movies, shuffles, crawls, leaps, rolls, or flies. Eventually, I have to kill them all. If I happen to build up a small army of killers like myself, that's even better, right?
One thing I think would be impossible for us to comprehend until it happens, if it happens is the emotional response to the fact that our friends, family, neighbors, people we care about etc. are dead, but they are still moving, and trying to kill us. Death is something we can deal with over time, usually we accomplish this by burying said person, however if said person is walking around trying to eat you, it, in my opinion, would become very difficult to deal with the loss of people close to you, thus leading to even more emotional stress on top of the 'oh, ****, zombies are real now' stress and the 'oh ****, we are fighting for our lives now' stress. The traditional answer to this problem is for people to say 'well just kill them, they're a zombie now'. I say yes, that's the logical answer, but when has logic ever stood up well to emotion? These are people you cared about and now you are faced with the need to murder them for your own survival. People can act as cold-hearted and emotionless as they want in a discussion about a hypothetical situation over the internet, that's the normal response because everyone wants to sound 'cool', but in reality what would you do?
When was the last time adrenaline stood up to emotion? A bigger problem would probably be the rationalization of killing humanoid things turning onto the rationalization of killing humans.