So it is October, So I decided this is the right time to post this question, and I am just curious about what other people would do when the Zombie Apocalypse comes. Would you go to a Mall like all the generic Zombie moives? Would you Fortify your house and fend off as long as you can? Whats your plans? Personally, With the weapons i'm provided, I have a Crossbow, and a Bow, plus some Samurai swords laying around. I would take these and work my way to a near-by Jail and take out any Infected that is in the place before setting up camp there. The whole reasoning for this is because they have all the rations you need for a Zombie Apocalypse. Guns? Check. Ammo? Check. Food? Check. Barriers? Check. Radios? Check. And if it comes to the worse situation, fall back into a cell and depending if they have bullet proof glass in the cells, either A: Shoot it out, or B: Wait/Call for help on your Radio, and if those set of plans fail, you have option: C: Starve to Death, or D: Kill yourself. Now what about you guys? (Also, if you're a Zombie Fanatic like me, Here is a cool website telling you the possible locations about where zombie break outs COULD have already happened.)
I need a *****, for my sandwiches, and a 12 gauge. For real though, my dad's friend owns a ton of guns, probably go there, or gun store/firing range.
Well, I bought this huge ass backpack a while ago, I could probably fit a **** ton of stuff in there such as ammo, food, and weapons. I'd end up heading somewhere with guns and stay there with my family and my close friends up the street. Who have 2 M4s and an AK47. Lucky bastards.
Ive already planned this out, 10 miles from my house is a Bass Pro Shop next to a yacht club. Stock up and Set sail.
Where the hell do you live bows? It sounds like a good plan but out here in the middle of oklahoma, there is no water.
First places everyone will go: Stores, Hospitals, Military Bases Places you should not go unless you have people on the inside: Stores, Hospitals, Military Bases Places you should go to hold out: [REDACTED] Putting all your stuff in a giant backpack is the stupidest thing ever because your mobility approaches zero. In a serious apocalypse the rate of people dying should allow you to grab needed supplies as you go and it's important to move quickly when you do. I go camping quite often so I know what is and is not necessary, and can get said stuff together pretty quickly. Usually it takes about 30 minutes to pack for a camping trip so I figure getting stuff together if I needed to move out quickly could easily take under 10 minutes.
I definitely wouldn't stay home. I'd go somewhere safe for sure. I don't understand your link though. Are they being serious?
exactly go to your local school and camp in you locker with a shot gun or walk around the school with a bud and mawl some zombies.
on the assumption that i am at school at the time... step 1: meet up with some friends who are strong enough to survive step 2: get a gun off the dead school cop. step 3: steal a car from the parking lot. step 4: drive to the nearest sports authority or shop that has a large inventory of guns and ammo. step 5: drive to a rural area or farm and live hold out there. step 6: ??? step 7: profit.
Assuming the pillar is built beforehand just in case, I would want it to be fairly large. Just a huge concrete block jutting out of the ground. It would be big enough to have a small shack on top. The shack would have a solar panel roof, it would also have months worth of food and water. The only way up would be a ladder that I could then pull up once I'm on top. Obviously this would only work in the case of a zombie apocalypse and not an all out apocalypse, but that's for another time.
I don't have access to any guns, so I basically just grab anything I can(such as a metal bar from the curtains, a tire iron, the extremely tactical crowbar,etc., etc.) I could easily get a car, as...well, there are cars everywhere, just take someones keys from their house or hope my parents' car is here. I would then gather a few friends, which would also require me to make a half an hour trip to North Carolina(I don't give a **** if I die on the way there or not, I'd rather be eaten alive than abandon this particular person.), then eventually(after all the looting is over and more people are zombies than actual people), I will loot places for guns and ****. After all is said and done, I meet my cousin (PsychoDuck), somehwere in northern Virginia/northern Maryland/southern Ohio/southern Pennsylvania. Somewhere in the highlands or mountains, and we gather food by berry picking or animal hunting(hopefully since it is rural, there won't be many zombies there to scare away all the wildlife.). I would suggest we make homage in a small, backwoods town, or at least scavenge for supplies here and there, every now and again. Then again, I've also discussed this, prisons work too. They do have everything required for a zombie apoclypse survival. Plan B: "**** this, I'm swimming to Cuba." How would Cuba get infected? Unless it originated there, who goes to Cuba when they are very sick? Cuba is known for its drugs and communism, not it's high suspectibility to zombies.
Im gonna get my shotgun and magnum and meet up with a couple other spartans at sword base and hold out there. Oh were talking about real life. Lol. But seriously they have underground bunkers for natural disasters. Thats where i would head. The have enough electricity to power for weeks. Enough food preserves to last for months. Not to mention an undergroung artificial garden. 2. Run around literally going to hospitals to use the big generators. Gas stations to get diesal(rugular and unleaded being the most used will have been taken already) find a diesal powered car. Another trick if you run out of diesal is to use the grease mcdonalds and burger king uses to fuel your car. Note: you can only run for about 100 miles due to grease clog up. Find a position to hold out. Army bases are probably your best bet since they have gun stocks, food, and a lot of protection. Secure your base by using any remaining fuel to power the electric fence. Fight
I have a bag of camping stuff including a flashlight, rope, a knife, first aid kit, lighter, webbing, netting, string, batteries, Mosquitos repellent (necessary in Houston), and probably some other stuff I can't remember (exactly why it's packed already). Add a box of exacto knives and my folder of various ID cards and such to that and throw it in a backpack with a change of cloths, my laptop, two nalgenes with a filter, a box I keep stocked with a weeks supply if food, particle masks (I wish I had a real gas mask), homemade ghillie suit, camping shovel, axe, and rifle. First stop would be my school which resembles a fortress in many ways since security is such an issue or one of a number of secondary locations, then move to the Museum District once things settle down.