I havnt really been grinding but i did farm the slimes in the depths for large titatine shards so i could get +6 - +10 on my winged spear my armor is only +3 and my pyromancy is +6 i only have 1 slot so i use fire orb. I have been going to other areas that arnt blight town however. Ive gone to Spoiler Darkroot basin/garden and i killed a Spoiler the butteryfly boss to get his souls so i can upgrade my spear to some special one alot of time in the valley of the drakes getting some equipment killed a few of the drakes there its was hard i had to use that amber stuff on my weapon. I actually cleared out blighttown but didnt go throught the fog because i had enough to level to 40 so i backed out. Im probably going to go in from Spoiler the valley of the drakes because there is an alternate entrance there. All this thanks to the Master Key btw. Useless... not. P.S. I think we've barely started. My best guess is 25% but who knows.
Sweet. Best advice for that ****ing Bell guard dude? I keep getting wrecked, but I'm just making stupid mistakes. I take no damage until the second gargoyle comes down. It's then that I get absolutely wrecked. I think I just need to grind some more with this character. I'd be a lot better off If I hadn't accidentally killed the merchant. I am completely in love with this game. It's so ****ing unique.
Not sure if i know the Bell guard but i find it that the polearms/spears/pike or whatever are really good because when u light attack u keep ur shield up so its great for defense and with light armor u can circle around very fast.
Ah. I totally skipped over The Depths. I never even opened the door with the Basement Key. Thanks for the info and for the tip on the large titanite shards. And, yes, it would seem the Master Key has a purpose after all. Edit: My advice for bosses would be to become human so you can summon someone (there's usually one or two people available close to the nearest bonfire), and then summon Knight Solaire (his summon "writing" will be very close to the white fog before the boss). I'm 2/2 doing this (one of them was the Belfry Gargoyle). In other news, I was Invaded while in the depths and totally obliterated the poor guy. I don't even think he hit me. Got a nice shield out of it, as well. Do people that invade not show up on recent players? Summoned players do, but I didn't see this guy's GT on there. Edit #2: Apparently the Invader was a normal computer enemy. Idk why he sucked so bad though, and apparently the shield isn't that good. I just didn't know what all the shield stats meant. Kind of bums me out as I was pumped about beating someone PvP...
I beat the Belfry Gargoyles with Astora's Straight Sword+1, had a full Elite Knight Armour set, only a few were +1 though I think. All I did was continuously thrust at him from behind (by god that sounds suspect) to cut his tail off. Then the second one came down, but by that time the first one was nearly dead, so I finished him off, dodged the fire by the skin of my teeth and finished the second one. To get the reinforced armour, I grinded down in the Darkroot Garden area, just before the Moonlight Butterfly where the golems are, then went back up to the blacksmith just before the headless statue fight and kept upgrading my stuff til I though they were sufficient. Later I found the undead merchant who sells arrows (just after the Capra Demon), and went and got the Drake Sword. Would have been so much easier with that, so I suggest getting that. Was that by someone called DarkKirk or something along those lines? Same thing happened to me down in the Depths. I thought that some noob invaded my game because I absolutely annihilated him. Only think I got a few souls and Humanity out of it, though. Scared me a bit at first because I was Cursed and was trying to escape to get a Purging Stone when it happened. Anyway, I just beat the Gaping Dragon and... Spoiler went to go down into Blighttown, got poisoned by seemingly nothing (which later turned out to be a dart or something), died, dropped my 25000 souls I just got from beating the dragon (plus the ones I had before the fight). Went back to get them again, but before I got there, I was knocked off a bloody catwalk by a fat guy at the start of Blighttown. Was pissed off at first, but figured that it doesn't really matter, I'll get them back again and have fun doing it. But those fat guys are so irritating, they take 2 backstabs from the Drake Sword, plus one additional hit to kill.
I cant beat blighttown cause i keep falling off the map like a noob. I rage quit this game for the first time cause i lost 6000 souls then 4000 souls then 4000 again. all hat is probably 1 level but still. And that toxic **** is ridiculous. i got toxic heals but they are a rare drop in darkroot garden.
Yeah, Dark Knight Kirk was the computer "invader." Today, I was bombarded by real invaders, though. I had collected over 20k souls, so I decided to get the Crest of Artorias which unlocks the door in the Darkroot Garden. The enemies in there aren't too bad to fight if you single them out, and they give you either 1k or 2k souls each. I figured I would do some grinding, when two guys invaded. First off, that's bullcrap. Two guys? Plus all the computer enemies are still alive and attacking... Anyway, I killed them both pretty easy since they didn't attack together, but the one guy kept invading right back in... Eventually, after killing him off in another 2v1, the remaining assassin went and hid behind an enemy, and then another douche invaded, so I jumped off the cliff near the entrance just so I could lose my Humanity and continue with the game instead of just fighting invaders. I really think something should be done about that. If I kill an invader, I shouldn't be able to be invaded for like an hour or something. It's ridiculous that I can become trapped in one area, continuously invaded until I die. I suppose that's what I get for reviving to human... Those toxic dart tree people are my most hated enemies in the game. A constant barrage of toxic darts? Why not just give them an M16 or something... And, yeah, the first time I lost a large amount of souls, I was pissed, as well. Edit: The "human" enemies give you 1k or 2k souls. The stupid Ents only give you 100.
Ahh, so you can only be invaded while you're human? That's good, because I'm barely ever in human form . I've heard there's something different that you get or something happens to you (apart from being invade-able) when you're in human form, but I haven't been human long enough to figure it out yet. And I was thinking about getting 20k souls to go through that door, but didn't know if it would be worth it. Apart from the enemy loot, is there anything else in there? And do you get trapped in there? That's how it sounds by the way you explain it. Now for my DS story of the day, did some grinding in Darkroot Garden again, got about 20k, leveled up and bought 80 poison arrows, learned Soul Arrow and Heavy Soul arrow. All this had a purpose; to kill that half dragon thing hanging onto the cliff at the opposite entrance of Valley of Drakes (the one that spews poison if you get too close). Used all of my Soul Arrows (had two attunement slots) and around 40 or so arrows (with a Long Bow+6) to kill it. Got 3000 souls and a Dragon Scale, plus a Large Solider Soul and I think Humanity. Real prize was the Dragon Scale, because it allowed me to reinforce the Drake Sword. Going to go for a run through the Valley when I get back on, because Blighttown is giving me the shits. Hopefully I'll get some more Dragon Scales. I know there's probably better weapons than the Drake Sword, but it's my go-to weapon at the moment, so I want to make it good enough to get me through the hard areas. I heard the Black Knights Greatsword is pretty good when upgraded, but I guess I'll find out.
I'm starting a new character once I get my game back tonight, because I killed the merchant and it kind of screwed some things up. Anywayfaic, question: Where the hell do you learn soul arrows and how does the miracle system work? If a spell only has a certain amount of uses, are they only recharged at a bonfire or does another system exist? (I've been playing with a completely melee character up until this point btw).
Yeah, you have to be human to be invaded, but you also have to be human to summon people. Also, the higher your Humanity, the higher your Item Discovery, which gives you a better chance of finding rare items. However, if you don't collect your souls from your bloodstain upon death, you lose all the Humanity you had built up, so it comes with a risk. Spoiler It turns out that the forest is "protected" by some cat that calls people from her covenant to invade your world if you are in her woods killing her dudes. That's why I was bombarded with invaders there whilst never being invaded anywhere else. I don't know if you are truly trapped, but a fog prevents you from going back to the bonfire until you kill all of the invaders. As far as it being worth it, I would say definitely IF you can handle the enemies. There were dozens of bloodstains in there, but I didn't think they were too hard to single out and fight, and like I said, you get 2k souls from three of them and 1k from the other (who isn't that much easier to fight, so I don't know why he is lower). They are all on the left-most portion of the woods, while the Ents inhabit the right. You can easily earn back that 20k with some quick grinding, and it's the best place to do so that I have found so far. I grinding some 20 levels so I could wear the Stone Armor you find there with no loss of movement (supposedly the second best armor in the game). You also get an Ember that allows for Magic Reinforcement, and a boss waits for you at the end (surprise). I found an awesome spear last night that does 160 physical damage and 160 lightning damage. Now, my math isn't what it used to be, but (assuming the damages stack) it seems to be better than the Drake Sword. I've used it for a fair amount of time (including a boss battle), and I have really taken a liking to it. As Mr. Vice said, being able to use your light attack while blocking makes things a lot easier. However, now I have reached a point in the story where I have no idea where to go, so I guess I will backtrack and scout out any places I missed. But I have my trusty Lightning Spear (unique name, huh), so I'm filled with optimism and an overwhelming desire to slaughter some monsters.
Yup. As long as you're patient, you'll ****ing love it. It's amazingly unique, which is why I love it. I actually doubt I'll enjoy Skyrim as much as I do this.
I think I'll enjoy Skyrim more having played Dark Souls simply because I'll be 5x better at it. Dark Souls is like an RPG training program...
Its a great game for sure. Its difficulty I personally think is a little blown out of proportions. Yes enemies do a lot of damage and there are some ****ed up status effects (Curse, Toxic) but if you give the game 100% of your attention and read up on things here or there you'll be fine. Plus we help each other on the thread about where to go and whats good. I plan on playing this at least as much as oblivion so ill probably skip Skyrim for a while. My personal thoughts on the game are that is has the best level design I've ever seen hands down and rivals any RPG out there. The Story is honestly unimportant to me it carries me from point A to point $%^&* but thats about it, the learning curve is unforgiving but the pay off is worth it, what you think are cheap tactics to defeat an enemy, usually are your only means of defeating him.
Yes, very much so. You will form a love/hate relationship with it, but you won't be able to help yourself but play it again and again. So do yo have to be human to enter the forest door? Or can I go in Hollow, because I don't really bother with being human most of the time. You learn the Soul Arrow spells from a guy that goes to Firelink Shrine once you release him from the depths. When you get to the Depths, very close to the start you'll come across a big fat butcher guy, who is a little challenging to defeat but can be killed with circle strafing + backstabbing, and a few of those poison dog things. After you beat them don't go down the shortcut chute yet if someone has left a msg there, turn around and go down the stairs into the water, where you'll come across a few more dogs and a hollow. Over on the opposite wall from the stairs you go down to get to the water is a hole in the wall with debris acting as a ramp up to it. Go up the ramp, and turn left immediately to see another door. In this area you'll see tonnes of barrels and the guy who goes to Firelink Shrine is in a barrel right up the back in a corner. Smash the barrels to let him out and he'll thank you, and then next time you visit the Shrine he'll be over near the big stairs to the right. You know what, this would be easier with pictures, so I'll just go take some to illustrate my explanation properly. Behind that table is where the Butcher would be. He doesn't come back once you defeat him, but, peculiarly, I had to fight him twice for some reason. He didn't come back after the second time. You can also make out the shortcut chute behind the table that I was talking about. Go down here later to easily defeat a giant rat if you have about 50 arrows (can't remember exactly how many it takes to kill it). These stairs to the right are directly behind the character in the last image. This is the debris ramp. Door to left once up the ramp. And over in the right corner is where the dude will be in a barrel. Smash him out to free him. Don't worry, you won't hurt him. This is a reference shot to show where he is in Firelink Shrine once you free him. Also, sorry for the blurriness of the pics, they were taken on my phone. EDIT EDIT: I almost forgot, to use spells you need a Sorcerer's Catalyst (basically a wand) which the guy also sells. Once you have both the spells you want and a SC, go to a bonfire and select Attune Scrolls or something along those lines, can't remember exactly what it says, but that's unimportant. After you have the spell you want selected, equip the Catalyst and use it with the shoulder button for whichever hand yo have it in. You get a certain amount of uses, but they recharge whenever you visit a bonfire. Anyway, back to grinding!
No, not at all. In fact, I would advise against reviving to human unless you want to deal with invaders. I've never come up on any area in the game that was only available to humans or only to hollows.
Xun, a million thanks for that, and more for those pictures, they really helped. As for being Human, getting invaded in the forest is a bit of a *****. And that god damn Gaping Dragon is wrecking my nuts.
No problem, dude. As for the Gaping Dragon... How to Defeat the Gaping Dragon - Video Tutorial - YouTube Also, I just found out something cool. When you go back to the Undead Asylum, if you drop items in Snuggly the Crow's nest and quit the game, then re-load it, you get different items back. The cool thing I just found out is if you drop an Egg Vermifuge in his nest you get a Dragon Scale back in return. ****ing sweeeeeet!!! Also, if you don't know how to get back to the Asylum, Google it, and then Google Snuggly. The Stray Demon is a *****, but isn't hard to defeat once you know what you're doing.
So I decided to head down to the depths, because with that Drake Sword, the game becomes a whole mess easier. Walk down, attacked by 3 dogs. Kill easily. Walk forward. Door opens. One hooded chick walks out. So I think: "Bring it". Walk forward, out of nowhere 2 more jump down. One does a grapple on me and takes away half my health. Once that finishes, I swipe at one, it appears to hit, but does NO damage. One goes to hit me, I block, but it does that grapple again and kills me. I went down again and got **** on, lost 10,000 souls.