So have you preorder Halo anniversary yet? Last night I preorder it at Gamestop and so I decided I would post this poll and discuss what comes with the preorder and what I am looking forward to playing in Halo CEA. Now not much has been discussed about pre-order other then the fact that it comes with the following: The Grunt Funeral Skull: another fun skull that makes it that when grunts die in the campaign (and possibly on installation 04) after a few second delays the grunt's methane tank explodes with an explosion the equivialant of a plasma gernade. Master Chef Avatar armor: According to a few sources you will also recieve armor for your Avatar resembling our hero's armor from the first game. As a result you could play games like: Band Hero, Avatar Legends, etc., as "Master Chief." Now what I am looking forward to the most in Halo CEA is: The multiplayer maps- I am especially looking forward to playing/forging on Solitary and Breakneck. plus more envirornments for the Defience Machinima infection series I (when I say "I" I am only saying it as such cause I am currently the only representive of the project) am working on. Installation 04- ODST allies makes more fun gameplay options for Elite players and fun for ODST lovers (like yours truely). The Flood- They scared the crap out of us in the first game and they should be scary now. Like watching Aliens in 3-D. Terminals- more backstory and perhaps a few hints as to what might happen in Halo 4 (like if it will be as good as all its predecessors). Well, hope you enjoy and comment on weither you are pre-ordering Halo CEA and why here.
I'm not preordering but I'll buy it a couple days later. I like points 1 and 3 the most but another thing I'm excited about is the marines help you in firefight.
Yeah true i am really excited for the marines too. I pre-ordered because I wanted to have a copy right away (not waiting a few weeks for reshipment) so I could play some awesome multiplayer. What surpised me though was that I thought it would be around $50 and it was much less then that. I would mention the price but that might be considered spaming so I won't say unless I am informed that it is ok.
Not that I care about the stuff that comes with the preorder, but I generally preorder something so that I can pay it off slowly over time and have it paid off by the time the game comes out so I don't have to dish out a ton of cash at once and can just go home and enjoy the game without thinking about the dent in my checking account.
true i just wasn't sure if it would be considered trolling if I mentioned that and therefore I didn't mention it prior. Now this is going to sound really silly of me but isn't that cheaper then the halo reach preorder?
I won't preorder it, but I'm most likely buying it. There aren't that many games that I'm looking forward to this year so I might as well buy it.
$40 isn't a "special" pre-order price. That's the actual price of the game. As for pre-ordering it... I'm still not sure. I may just wait until it's out and get it.
i preordered it!in australia it is quite expensive around $65 bucks but at my special retailer GAME i got it for $55 and also got a free halo mega blocks mongoose with it exited about everything such as......... forge,firefight,classic mode,achivments and the campain that made video games my #1 hobbie time to yet again EVOLVE COMBAT.can't wait for it!
Yeah why is there such a price difference between Aus and America? With the dollar conversion atm we should be paying less. Anyways, Im probs gonna get it maybe a month after release and then alternate between it and Battlefield 3.
I preorederd it and Im goin to the midnight launch and I cant wait. man just imagine that you and a crowd of halo fans.
I did that for Reach... Was a waste of time tbh. Anyway, I don't actually know the date the games supposed to be released so I haven't bothered to pre-order it...
No. The forging is done on the multiplayer maps. Which are in the Reach engine. We're just getting new pieces, it's not a new type of forge.
I am not sure that I will be able to do that considering that I have class the next day but who knows.
its £35 in the UK. Halo is dying because of COD, and the fact that a large amount of gamers are COD fanboys. I mean, even here we have closet cod fans! SO I will get in a month of two after launch, when the price will have shot down to £15, 20 or so.