Grotto Collider

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Philly D, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. Philly D

    Philly D Forerunner

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    ok so this is the map i call Grotto Collider. this map was inspired by a scientific research facility in Switzerland called the Large Hadron Collider. what this large machine does is separates the +&- neutrons from an atom and sends them in opposite directions accelerating them to near the speed of light then smashing them together. the purpose of this research is to recreate conditions that may have been one billionth of a secant into the big bang, and also to test Einstein's theory (E=MC2) to convert energy into matter.

    so the story goes the Grotto Collider was built by the forerunners and discovered by humans deep in the earths lower mantle. this is were the forerunners discovered faster than light travel and the humans discovered the facility leading them to the same end.
    the map layout is kinda barbell shaped. it runs east and west with 2 circular rooms on each end one with a red light and one with an orange light. they both have a grav-lift an the back side of the room leading from a bottom level to a top level. between these rooms is a long open strait room with 2 open levels. there are long lines of site through here to quickly find the action. there are also 4 side paths off the red room, 2 top paths and 2 bottom paths. off the orange room there are 2 side paths at the top that connect to the center. there are a few ramps in between to provide quick routs from the top floor to the bottom floor.
    there are lots of DMRs and needle rifles with 2 needleres, a spiker, a plasma repeater, a magnum, assault rifle, plasma pistle. the power weapons are an energy sword, sniper rifle, and a rocket launcher. the re-spawn times on the power weapons are 2 minuets but the rocket launcher does not spawn for 2 minuets after the start of battle. the rocket launcher spawns in the center of the map, the sword spawns in the orange room and the sniper rifle in the red room.






    Rendered Walk-through
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, that's one creative idea! You really did a good job making this into a Halo Reach map! And by the screenshots I can tell you did an amazing job on the looks too.
    The only thing I really miss though is the Infection gametype. Was there a special reason why you didn't put that in? If not, please do so! I'd love to play some Infection on this map :)
    Great map, keep up the very good work!
  3. Philly D

    Philly D Forerunner

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    i didnt make it for infection because this was a very expensive map and i ran into an invisible barrier were i could not spawn any more stuff. i did have it at one point before it was finished but in testing i felt some spots on the map were a little too easy to hold down. so its really just not a good map for infection. and thanks for the positive reaction.
  4. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay, I see you had no other choice. Anyway, if you think it would be too imbalanced anyway then it's okay :)
    I'll use it just for slayer then.
  5. Frost Bite323

    Frost Bite323 Forerunner

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    Just a couple questions: Is the map relativity large? From the pictures, it seems like it, though it could just be long sight lines. Also, what are player spawns?
    (My bad if these are answered in the video, I can't currently watch it. Dumb browser)

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