Any Ideas as to how I can make a small 'random' mystery box. Requirements: 1. it has to be small, it must fit inside the 2x1 block. 2. It has to be cheap, max budget 500. 3. It "must" be random, none of the go to the very left and get rocket stuff. For my map, Night of the Living Dead-2 aka Nacht der Untoten w/out shild barricades. It has been requested of me to build before but I don't know That I can.
I would link to the thread but it's over at the-place-that-cannot-be-named Halo Reach: How to Create a Random Weapon Box w/ Commentary - YouTube
NOO! Not that demonic post of Hastur(he that shall not be named)!!! but by all means use the video pyro speaks of.