OK, this is the first map i ever made on foundry. It took me about 10-11 days to complete, and another hour to tweek. It has not been budget glitched (i knew about the glitch at the time, but i just didn't think i would need to use it), because it only uses the small portion of the map. It is inter-locked where neccisary. It is very cramped and suited for close quarters combat. This map does have alot of weapons on it (including power weapons), but ALL weapons have low to no extra clips. I realize that having so many weapons on a small map may be a problem, so I will be coming out with v2 after hearing you constructive critasism. The pics do not show the 'tweeked' version, but most people will not know the difference anyways. Unfortunatly, this map is only good for slayer variants right now, but v2 will be compatable with ALL gametypes (although some may not be that fun) now, onto the pics sp laser spawn to left of pic (about 1 foot off screen) opposite corner of map (from previous pic) back hallway, home to shotgun and mauler (pallets not there in download) view of rocket spawn, 3 minuit respawn / no extra clips, (beside fuision coils and wire spool that apear behind fence in this pic) So that is my map, plz tell me how you like it. and plz note: i will change the number of weapons, how they spawn, where they spawn, and i will change how the teleporters work. keep in mind this is not only my first map post, but also my first map i ever map on foundry. download here (it says it is made by singleclick, thats my gamertag, i made my forgehub acount before i had an xbox. i thought singleclick was cooler that pajamaSAURUSrex) http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34177203 thankyou
Some of the grounds in there look like you wont enjoy walking on them, meaning that they are bumpy. Besides that, some walls look a little sloppy.
Isn't there a song called confined by AS I LAY DYING anyway back to the map NEEDS INTERLOCKING AND INTERLOCKING AND..... Atmosphere but welcome to forgehub
I used interlocking, but only where i found it necessary. I don't think a map needs to be fully interlocked in order to be good.
looks sweet other than lack of interlocking, doesn't really look like foundry at all also shield door+shotgun/mauler=camp central
unfortuneately for new members this is far from the truth. Great maps must be, pretty much, entirely interlocked. It becomes neccessary to almost all aspects. Here's a tip for future map making, never compromise, make it the best it can be.
i really disagree with this, interlocking should only be used when necessary, not just to satisfy interlock thirsty forge hubbers. but about the map, nice job, looks really cool. looks like a lotta fun, good job, nice cramp-feel and everything.