Howdy Lannders here again with a map preview this time. This map is called Seized as mentioned above and is(obviously) a work in progress. I'm still testing different ideas as i have quite a bit of budget left. It's not been tested in anyway as well, still needing people for that. As well when you look over the pictures if you have any ideas or suggestions pass them my way.Alrighty to the pictures. This is Base #1 Not yet Equipped with spawns XD This is Base #2 same as base number one except you can seem me on teh spawn point D:<(flicks off map) Here is a close up of the base design not quite completed as i don't believe there is enough cover. Center area with added grassy area for shits and giggles and aesthetics lol. And lastly a Pic of Center from above to see what its like. And there you have it This is Lannders Bringing you Seized. Hang Dem Bitches High!
i like how you have made the template for your map and are now asking for suggestions. that's interesting. most people, at least me, will try to finish a map and then post a preview. but this way, you don't have to "go back and edit", you can just take feedback and implement as you go along. it's kinda like a community map in that way. everyone is contributing to the outcome instead of just critiquing it. dunno if that was the goal but seeing it made me have that idea. If i could download this i'd play around with it...
Lol your welcome to come join me brah just msg me. GT:Lannders EDIT: Btw Cluck ive already started implementing things to lessen the line of sight a bit ^^ EDIT#2: Sorry Cluck i misread what you put and im considering what you Actually ment right now lol.
IMO the grass looks out of place. What I believe cluck meant is that it's too planar. Flat maps are boring. Height variations and slopes require better tactics than a generally flat map. Small inclines make a big difference.
Flat map = boring map. You reeeeally need to have some height variation in order to break up the massive long sightlines. Right now, the map is basically just a single flat platform with two rocks and some small, completely exposed little platforms. Add some kinda center structure to break up LOS and actually give the map some substance. Your base design is pretty solid I think, but you need more paths in and out. Add some side ramps or something, maybe a mancannon or two, anything to give players another option besides just rushing into the middle and dying.
Not always true, but generally height variation is good when used appropriately. Definitely break up lines of sight though, right now you would have some issues with spawns looking at each other. Giggles on the picture mock.
Alright Thanks for the suggestion ill work on the LoS for yea Mock. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Oh btw shoe i already broke up the sight lines since posting this preview so don't worry ;D
I would have to agree with the above posts. In its present state game-play will be very stagnant and linear; neither of which will result in a fun map. I think one of the biggest mistakes that most forgers commit is that they randomly place objects to break up LOS, rather than building the map to break up LOS. I'm not sure if I am making myself clear with that statement, but hopefully you understand my point. Secondly, as the map stands, there will be little to no available options for tactical game-play. The reason I say this is because there is really only one viable path to take, straight. There needs to be multiple points of attack, and several ways to approach your targets. The best way to do this would be by one adding more height variations, and two to add maybe some side rooms to the map.
Lol basicly everything you just said is currently being worked on. there will be 4 side rooms elevated up on the sides. As well as line of sight is fixed.(well IMO it is since i didn't have issues in a 2v2). But thank you very much for the suggestions i take them to heart and will work diligently to make it happen.
this map is coming along. landers has done a lot since posting the original images. besides, those images were for people to get a feel, not critique how open the level is. it's not even close to done lol. i was helping him out a bit last night. things are looking good.